Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar? 6 Best Nuts for Your Blood Health | Signos (2024)

It works great for an hour, and then you hit a wall. You’re tired and can’t concentrate. Before you know it, you are distracted, scanning your phone, or nodding off. Maybe you hit the kitchen or break room again for something else to eat or drink to give you another boost.

You probably didn’t think about how those choices may impact how quickly you “crashed.” But those mid-afternoon slumps do have a lot to do with what you eat and drink because they affect your blood sugar.

Let’s examine how nuts might be a good choice for preventing blood sugar spikes and energy slumps.

So, Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar?

Yes! Nuts are an excellent food if you are trying to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

  • High in protein, fiber, and healthy fats
  • Help with a slow and steady release of sugar into your bloodstream
  • Nuts contain some carbohydrates, but the glycemic index and glycemic load are low

While nuts are high in fat, you may think eating them would lead to weight gain.1 Yet, the opposite seems to be true. Not only do people not gain weight, but they also have improved body composition. Because nuts are high in healthy fats and fiber, they tend to be satiating, minimizing hunger pangs.2

A 2018 meta-analysis study did not find an association between nut consumption and the incidence of type 2 diabetes. However, participants did have a decrease in fasting blood sugar and a reduction in cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.3

Nuts and Diabetes

Nuts can provide various benefits for individuals living with diabetes. One study found that nut consumption was associated with decreased risk factors for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (a cluster of conditions including prediabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol).25

Nuts can also help regulate blood sugar levels, making them an ideal snack for those with diabetes. However, the preparation of nuts can impact blood sugar levels and calorie content. Aim to avoid nuts coated in salt and those with a candy coating or dipped in honey. These nut varieties are certainly flavorful but could impact blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight loss.


Best Nuts for Blood Sugar, Diabetes, and Energy

The 6 top nuts for stable blood sugar:

  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Peanuts
  • Pecans
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts

1. Almonds

A serving of almonds is 1 oz, which equals approximately 23 almonds or a small handful. Each serving contains about 160 calories, 6g of protein, 14g of fat, 6g of carbohydrates, 4g of fiber, and 1g of sugar.4 Almonds have the highest vitamin E content of all tree nuts, providing about 50% of the daily value in one serving. They are also rich in mono and polyunsaturated fats.4

A randomized study found that snacking on almonds reduced blood glucose levels and improved feelings of satiety in people at risk for diabetes. They also experienced no weight gain.5

In an earlier trial, researchers found that eating 60g of almonds daily as part of a healthy diet reduced fasting glucose levels and markers of insulin resistance. The participants also improved their body fat and reduced total cholesterol and LDL levels.6

Tip: Add chopped almonds to overnight oats to boost protein, fiber, and a healthy dose of Vitamin E and potassium.

Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar? 6 Best Nuts for Your Blood Health | Signos (1)

2. Cashews

One oz. serving of cashews is about 18 nuts or ¼ cup. A serving contains about 160 calories, 4g protein, 13g fat, 9g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, and 1.5 g sugar.7

While cashews have the most carbohydrates of all nuts, they are the lowest in fat, with the majority coming from monounsaturated fat.

Cashews have gotten a bad rap because they are higher in saturated fat than other nuts; however, some research has shown that eating cashews instead of a high carbohydrate snack improves cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.9

A small study of 50 people with type 2 diabetes looked at those who ate cashews daily for eight weeks compared to those who did not. The cashew eaters had lower serum insulin levels and reduced LDL to HDL cholesterol ratios. More research is needed, but these results are promising, and cashews and cashew products can be part of a healthy diet.10

Tip: Cashew milk is a rich dairy alternative that works well in coffee drinks or to make a cream sauce. Check the added sugars on the label, or make your own by soaking the 1 cup of nuts in 4 cups of water for a few hours. Drain and blend the cashews and 2 cups of water until smooth.

Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar? 6 Best Nuts for Your Blood Health | Signos (2)

3. Pistachios

A 1 oz. serving of pistachios contains 160 calories, 6g of protein, 13g of fat, 8g of carbohydrates, and 3g of fiber.11

Now that shelled pistachios are readily available (and easier to eat), you may wonder if pistachios are a nut you should include in your diet, especially if you are trying to maintain your weight and stabilize your blood sugar.

In a small study, eating pistachios with white bread significantly reduced glycemic response.12

Another recent study found that people with diabetes who ate pistachios twice daily had lower blood sugar levels than those who ate none.13

Tip: Chopped pistachios add a beautiful, rich color and flavor to whole-grain rice pilaf or a grain bowl. Add a tablespoon or two just before serving for a gorgeous pop of color.

Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar? 6 Best Nuts for Your Blood Health | Signos (3)

4. Peanuts

A serving of peanuts is about 28 nuts and contains about 160 calories, 7g protein, 14g fat, 5g carbohydrates, 2.5g fiber, and 1g sugar.14

Peanuts are a good source of plant-based protein, and 80% of their fat comes from unsaturated fats. They are also very low on the glycemic index scale and help stabilize blood sugar levels.15

Peanuts and peanut butter, when added to a high-glycemic breakfast, helped stabilize blood glucose levels and improve satiety in women at risk for type 2 diabetes.16

In another small study with people with type 2 diabetes, eating peanuts and almonds instead of a higher starch food resulted in improvements in blood sugar levels and no change in body mass index.17

Tip: Add two tablespoons of peanut butter to whole-grain toast or use it as a dip with vegetables for an afternoon snack.

Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar? 6 Best Nuts for Your Blood Health | Signos (4)

5. Pecans

A 1 oz. serving of pecans contains about 200 calories, 3 g protein, 20g fat, 4 g carbohydrates, 3 g fiber, and 1 g sugar.15,18

Pecans are higher in fat than other nuts, but some of that fat comes from ALA omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and are a good source of zinc.

In a small study with overweight and obese patients, eating 1.5 oz. of pecans daily reduced fasting insulin and improved insulin resistance. The patients also improved their cardiovascular risk by reducing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure.19

Tip: Pecans are a great substitute for breading on fish, chicken, or eggplant. Crush the pecans. Dip the fish, chicken, or eggplant in an egg, roll them in the crushed pecans, and bake.

Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar? 6 Best Nuts for Your Blood Health | Signos (5)

6. Walnuts

A 1 oz. serving contains 190 calories, 4 g protein, 18g fat, 4g carbohydrates, 2g fiber, and 1g sugar. But what is most special about walnuts is that they are a good source of the heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acid, ALA.20

Walnuts are known to positively impact blood lipid levels, but their impact on blood sugar levels needs to be clarified. In a large study with people at high risk for diabetes, those who ate walnuts, compared to those who didn’t, had a lower risk of developing diabetes.21

Tip: Add chopped walnuts and chia seeds to a smoothie for breakfast or an afternoon snack for extra protein and fiber.

Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar? 6 Best Nuts for Your Blood Health | Signos (6)

Eating Nuts Is Good for Your Health: 4 Benefits

Tree nuts and peanuts are nutrient-rich foods with many other health benefits and should be part of a healthy diet.2,22

  1. Heart health

While nuts are high in calories and fat, they contain “good” fat, called unsaturated fats. They are rich in mono and polyunsaturated fats, known to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.2,22

  1. Gut health

Nuts are a good source of dietary fiber, healthy fatty acids, and antioxidants. They provide nutrients for healthy bacteria to use throughout our GI tract. Early research in this area shows that nuts may impact our GI tract's health.23 More research is needed to fully understand how they can be beneficial.

  1. Brain health

In a large systematic review, walnuts showed a beneficial effect on brain function, including improvements in memory in older adults.24 Walnuts are rich in ALA Omega 3 fatty acids, which help to reduce inflammation and have neuroprotective effects.

  1. Weight control

While nuts are high in fat and calories, they often replace other foods. Research does not show that people who eat nuts experience increased weight.2

FAQs About Nuts and Blood Sugar

Are There Any Nuts You Should Avoid?

Sugar-coated and honey-roasted nuts may contain extra sugar. The same can is true for chocolate and yogurt-coated nuts. That chocolate or yogurt coating often contains a lot of sugar. Look at the ingredient list, and you'll see that sugar is one of the first ingredients.

Why Are Stable Blood Sugar Levels Important?

When you eat a lot of sugar or eat inconsistently, your blood sugar bounces up and down. Your pancreas tries to keep up and starts releasing too much insulin. Over time, your cells stop responding to insulin, called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and weight gain.4

How often should people living with diabetes eat nuts?

Consult a registered dietician, nutritionist, or healthcare provider to determine how often you should include nuts based on health factors and wellness goals.

People Also Ask:

Which nuts should diabetics avoid?

Sugar-coated and honey-roasted nuts may contain extra sugar. The same can is true for chocolate and yogurt-coated nuts. That chocolate or yogurt coating often contains a lot of sugar. Look at the ingredient list, and you'll see that sugar is one of the first ingredients.

What kind of nuts raise blood sugar?

Nuts coated in sugar or a candy coating can raise blood sugar levels. Be mindful of the ingredients in a nut product before purchasing.

Can a diabetic eat too much nuts?

Nuts can contain excess calories, so be purposeful with portion sizes and overall intake to avoid weight gain.

Do Nuts Raise Blood Sugar? 6 Best Nuts for Your Blood Health | Signos (2024)


What is the best nut to lower blood sugar? ›

Almonds help diabetics manage their glucose levels. They lower oxidative stress, which is a major cause of diabetes and heart disease.

What is the number one healthiest nut? ›

1. Almonds. Relatively low in calories, almonds are an excellent food for health due to their protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

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-- like walnuts and almonds can be a great source of healthy fats that help your heart. But for high blood pressure, your best pick is pistachios.

What are the best nuts to avoid? ›

Brazil nuts, cashews and macadamia nuts are higher in saturated fat. Too much of this can contribute to raised cholesterol levels, so only eat them occasionally. Chestnuts are an exception – they're lower in all types of fats and higher in starchy carbohydrate than other nuts.

What is the number one snack to lower blood sugar? ›

But there is one food that stands alone as the best snack for lower blood sugar: nuts. Nuts are delicious, nutritious and incredibly versatile as far as snack foods go. Plus, they can be stored at room temperature (or in the freezer for longer periods) and are great for grab-and-go snacks.

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A study in Obesity found that as the number of raspberries eaten increased, insulin resistance decreased. Other studies suggest combining berries with or following starch-heavy meals can also lower blood sugar.

What is the best nut to eat everyday? ›

Here are 9 nutritious nuts to add to your diet.
  • Almonds. Share on Pinterest Lumina/Stocksy United. ...
  • Pistachios. Pistachios — whose name is derived from the Greek word pistákion, which means “the green nut” — have been eaten since 6,000 B.C . ...
  • Walnuts. ...
  • Cashews. ...
  • Pecans. ...
  • Macadamia nuts. ...
  • Brazil nuts. ...
  • Hazelnuts.

What should not be eaten with nuts? ›

And although nuts are a healthy choice by themselves, they'll quickly become detrimental to any diet when paired with sugary or salty toppings or mixes.

When is the best time to eat nuts? ›

Nuts should be eaten in the right amount, right time and right way for reaping maximum benefits. Ideally eaten in the morning, nuts can also your evening snack, but one must be mindful to not have more than a handful to avoid indigestion, bloating and side effects of excess fats.

Which nut is best for arteries? ›

Most nuts appear to be generally healthy. But some may have more heart-healthy nutrients than others. For example, walnuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and pecans also appear to be quite heart healthy.

What nut lowers blood pressure? ›

Magnesium can help in lowering high blood pressure. Green leafy vegetables, seeds and nuts (e.g. almonds, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds) are good sources of magnesium. Seeds and nuts also contain heart-healthy fats. It is unnecessary to take additional magnesium supplements.

What nut can help clear cholesterol from your bloodstream? ›

Almonds and other tree nuts can improve blood cholesterol. Studies have shown that walnuts, which have omega-3 fats, may help protect the heart and lower the risk of heart attack for people who already have heart disease.

What nuts should diabetics avoid? ›

Avoid nuts that are coated in salt — Dobbins notes that sodium is bad for your blood pressure — and sugar. More bad news if you love the sweet-and-savory combo: Chocolate-covered peanuts and honey-roasted cashews are high in carbs and not the best choice when you have diabetes, Dobbins says.

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Top 10 healthiest nuts
  • Almonds. Sweet tasting almonds have a number of health benefits. ...
  • Brazil nuts. Originating from a tree in the Amazon, Brazil nuts are one of the richest food sources of the mineral, selenium. ...
  • Cashews. ...
  • Chestnuts. ...
  • Hazelnuts. ...
  • Macadamia nuts. ...
  • Pecans. ...
  • Pine nuts.
Mar 30, 2023

Can eating too many nuts raise cholesterol? ›

Nuts as part of a varied diet may help reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol and raise “good” cholesterol levels.

What foods will lower blood sugar quickly? ›

Foods with a low glycemic index (GI) may help people lower or manage their blood sugar levels. Examples include whole grains, nuts, legumes, some fruits, non-starchy vegetables, and lean proteins.

Which nut has least sugar? ›

Nuts naturally contain a small amount of sugar. Whilst not regarded as an inherently 'sugary food', nuts naturally contain some sugar (around 2-6g/100g, depending on the nut type) in the form of sucrose. Pistachios contain the most sugar (5.9g/100g) and Brazil nuts the least (2.1g/100g).

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Eating 20 g of almonds 30 minutes before an oral glucose load showed a significant decrease in blood sugar and hormones. Almonds' nutritional makeup of fiber, monounsaturated fats, zinc, and magnesium work together to help provide better glycemic control and reduce hunger,” said lead author Dr.

What drink lowers blood sugar? ›

Drinking water is an excellent way to stay hydrated without consuming sugar. Green tea, cow's milk, and fermented milk (kefir) could also help you manage your blood sugar responses. Coffee also contains compounds that may help regulate blood sugar, but confirming this requires more research.

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