1. Area Freedom in Mexico from Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Diptera
1 jun 2015 · In order to estimate the lengths of life-cycles and the number of potential generations of the medfly, the Tassan degree-day model (Tassan et al ...
The Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata, Wiedemann; Diptera: Tephritidae) is regarded as one of the most destructive insect pests worldwide. It was first detected in Mexico (border with Guatemala) in 1977 after it had spread throughout the Central American region. By 1982, using an area-wide IPM approach that included the Sterile Insect Technique, the Moscamed Program, established by the federal governments of Mexico, Guatemala and USA, succeeded in eradicating the pest from the areas it had invaded in Mexico. Recurrent pest entries in the form of transient detections and outbreaks continue to occur in the southern-most States of Mexico bordering Guatemala. The pest free area status is maintained by eradication actions whose effectiveness is verified by an extensive and intense surveillance network including 24,760 traps. In terms of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), the Mediterranean fruit fly pest status can be defined for most of Mexico as “Pest Absent” (i.e., no records of the presence of the pest confirmed by surveys in 28 States of the 32 States) and as “Pest Transient” (i.e., pest entries that do not result in establishment after applying appropriate phytosanitary measures for their eradication) for the southern border States of Chiapas, Tabasco and Campeche, and for the northern border State of Baja California. The very significant investment that the Government of Mexico has made in the Moscamed Program for over 30 years has been extremely...
2. Diurnal blood pressure variation and sympathetic activity - Nature
5 mrt 2010 · This paper examines the mechanisms responsible for daytime blood pressure variation. Emphasis will be given to the influences from the sympathetic nervous ...
Blood pressure changes occurring over a 24-h period are under behavioral, humoral and reflex regulation. The sympathetic nervous system modulates blood pressure variation by affecting cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. This paper reviews evidence for the relationship between adrenergic neural drive and blood pressure as measured by direct and indirect approaches. This paper also reviews the sympathetic activity associated with increased ‘in-office’ and ‘out-of-office’ blood pressure, that is, the white-coat and the masked-hypertensive states. Finally, this paper examines altered neuroadrenergic influences on nocturnal blood pressure reduction and blood pressure variability.
3. [PDF] cine teatro plaza
14 jul 2024 · Dirección y guión: Gerardo Tassan. Origen: Argentina. Año: 2023. Duración: 15 min. Calificación: +16. Sinopsis: Un inquisidor lleva años ...
4. Diversity and distribution of macrofungi (Ascomycota and ...
25 sep 2023 · Macrofungi are classified in the phylum Ascomycota and Basidiomycota and they are very important from an ecological and economic point of ...
Macrofungi are classified in the phylum Ascomycota and Basidiomycota and they are very important from an ecological and economic point of view. Most studies of fungi in Colombia have been carried out mainly in the Andean Region, especially in the ...
5. [PDF] Area Freedom in Mexico from Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Diptera
2000; Gutiérrez Ruelas et al. ... In order to estimate the lengths of life-cycles and the number of potential generations of the medfly, the Tassan degree-day ...
6. Tephritidae) Response to Different Blends of Olive Fruit Fly-Associated ...
This research was aimed at investigating the attractiveness of different blends of olive fruit fly-associated yeast volatiles toward B. oleae.
The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) is economically the most important olive pest, causing yield losses in all olive growing areas where is detected. Considering that EU requires the reduction of pesticide use by up to 100% by 2050, more effective non-pesticide lures for B. oleae monitoring and/or controlling are needed. This research was aimed at investigating the attractiveness of different blends of olive fruit fly-associated yeast volatiles toward B. oleae. Three blends of olive fruit fly-associated yeast volatiles: isoamyl alcohol and 2-phenethyl alcohol; isoamyl alcohol, 2-phenethyl alcohol and 2-phenethyl acetate; and isoamyl alcohol, 2-phenethyl acetate and isobutyl acetate were selected and tested on yellow sticky traps for attraction of B. oleae in olive orchard. Results showed that traps containing all tested blends of olive fruit fly-associated yeast volatile compounds, in total, were significantly more attractive to B. oleae and were not significantly attractive to green lacewings, compared to the control. Among them, the most promising was the one containing the blend of isoamyl alcohol, 2-phenethyl acetate and isobutyl acetate because its attractiveness was constantly significant during investigation compared to the others. This blend in the future could lead us to the discovery of a new attractant for the monitoring and/or controlling of B. oleae.
7. [PDF] Diplomatic, Consular & Other Representatives
The information in this publication reflects that which is contained in the Department's. Diplomatic Registry System (DRS). Persons whose name and title ...
8. Chronology - Tullio Vietri
Gerardo's career began at the magistrate's court in Oderzo and continued for a few years in Parma and Piacenza. Later he was transferred to the magistrate's ...
23 gennaio
9. Active Warrants - NNPD Dashboard - City of Newport News
PULUC-SABAN, GERARDO R. 5ft 4in, 160 lbs, BRO, BRO, 04/14/2000, 24, M, W, 10/09/2020, FAILURE TO APPEAR: ON MISDEMEANOR OFFENSE. SONNIER, MICHELLE R. 5ft 7in ...