How Often Should You Use a Waterpik<sup>TM</sup> Water Flosser? (2024)

How Often Should You Use a Waterpik<sup>TM</sup> Water Flosser? (1)

If you are new to the WATERPIK water flosser, you might wonder how often you should use it.

Here are answers to 3 common questions about how often to use your WATERPIK water flosser.

1. How Many Times Per Day Should I Use My Water Flosser?

You should use your WATERPIK water flosser at least once per day.

Why? To maintain good oral health, the American Dental Association recommends that you floss at least once per day and brush your teeth at least twice per day.

2. If I Have Braces or Dental Work, Like Bridges or Implants, How Often Should I Use My Water Flosser?

If you have braces, implants, bridges, crowns, or other dental work that are hard to keep clean, you might want to use your water flosser more than once per day.

You can use the WATERPIK water flosser whenever you want to clean and floss around braces, orthodontic appliances, or dental work.

If you need a portable water flosser to use when you are away from home or traveling, try a cordless model.

3. I Have Gum Disease, How Often Should I Use My WaterpikTM Water Flosser?

If you have been told you have gum disease, your dental professional may recommend using a WATERPIK water flosser more often than once per day until the gum disease is under control. Sometimes it is necessary to use the special Pik PocketTM tip for more severe areas, such as periodontal pockets.

To sum it up, daily use helps you maintain a healthy smile. Use your WATERPIK water flosser more often if you need additional cleaning or to treat gum disease as directed by your dental professional.

How Often Should You Use a Waterpik<sup>TM</sup> Water Flosser? (2024)


How often should you use a Waterpik flosser? ›

You should use your WATERPIK water flosser at least once per day. Why? To maintain good oral health, the American Dental Association recommends that you floss at least once per day and brush your teeth at least twice per day.

Can you overuse a Waterpik? ›

While water flossers are generally considered safe for most people, there is some evidence to suggest that overuse or incorrect use can lead to gum damage. On the other hand, water flossers have been shown to improve gum health by removing plaque and reducing the risk of gum disease.

Can I use Waterpik 3 times a day? ›

Water flossers can be used every day, you should use them every time you do your oral health care routine. If you use them 2-3 times a day, they should help enhance your oral health by decreasing gum disease and reducing your chance of tooth decay.

What are the disadvantages of using a Waterpik? ›

The rinsing action of Waterpiks may not be enough to remove plaque completely from the surface of your teeth. Some people like to use string floss first to scrape off and loosen plaque. A Waterpik can then be used to efficiently rinse out residue and plaque left behind.

Is it better to use a Waterpik at night or morning? ›

Since flossing daily is recommended, using a WaterPik daily is also encouraged. Although you can use it in the morning, night usage is ideal. This is because typically, you'll go the longest without food or drink overnight. You've already had all your meals for the day and can end the day with perfectly clean teeth.

Is it better to use Waterpik before or after brushing? ›

Therefore, our recommendation is to consider using your Waterpik water flosser first before brushing your teeth. This will allow the stuck-on debris to dislodge and then you can easily brush the remaining area free of all particles.

Can Waterpik damage your teeth or gums? ›

Can a Water Flosser damage teeth or gums? Though some may find that their gums bleed when they first use one, a Water Flosser does not damage teeth or gums. It is gentle on the oral cavity and acts similar to flossing.

Can bacteria grow in Waterpik? ›

Because water flosser heads touch your mouth and stay wet, oral bacteria can grow on it. Even despite following the provided cleaning recommendations. That's not all, this study limited itself to studying only the nozzle, not the hose or water reservoir itself.

Should Waterpik touch teeth? ›

How to use: Start with the back teeth and follow the gumline, pausing briefly between the teeth and aiming the tip at the gumline at a 90-degree angle. Hold the tip slightly away from the gums to allow the water flow to remove plaque and debris.

Can I put Listerine in my Waterpik? ›

Some people use mouthwash or other substances in their water flossers rather than tap water. Replacing the water in your water flosser with mouthwash isn't bad for you, but it won't help unless you have cavities or periodontal disease, according to dentists.

Does a Waterpik get between teeth? ›

A Waterpik is a brand of water flosser or oral irrigator that sprays water to remove food from between your teeth. Water flossers may be a good option for people who have trouble with traditional flossing -- the kind that involves threading string-like material between your teeth.

What's the difference between a Waterpik and a water flosser? ›

The truth is there is no difference. A Waterpik is simply a brand of water flosser that has become so well known that the name of the company and the product itself have become synonymous. So now you know that a Waterpik is simply a type of water flosser, but what do these dental devices actually do?

Which Waterpik is best? ›

Best Overall: Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser
  • For a cordless option: Waterpik Cordless Advanced, $100.
  • A sleeker pick: Waterpik ION Water Flosser, $100.
  • If you want to splurge: Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 Professional Flossing Toothbrush, $200.
Apr 2, 2024

Is it safe to use a water flosser every day? ›

Recommended Frequency and Duration of Use: It's generally safe to use a water flosser once or twice a day for two minutes at a time. Correct Technique for Water Flossing: Hold the water flosser tip at a 45-degree angle to the teeth and gums and aim the stream of water directly at the gum line.

Are Waterpiks as effective as flossing? ›

Waterpiks can loosen food particles and other debris that toothbrushes leave behind. While they're not as good as flossing, they're better than nothing.

Is a Waterpik good for your gums? ›

How It Works. Like regular flossing, water flossing removes food stuck between your teeth and the bacteria lingering there before it hardens into plaque. Your toothbrush can't get into those small spaces. Water flossing can also reduce gum disease and bleeding.

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