Single-layer jeans: a few models compared (2025)

Almost 5 years ago, when single-layer jeans were just starting to become a thing, I made this post:

Since so much has changed, a new thread seems reasonable.
I was recently in the market for a pair of single-layer jeans. I have tried quite a few on, and here are my thoughts.
I focused my choice on the options available in the UK. I can't be bothered ordering gear from abroad, dealing with VAT duties etc, the hassle of sending it back if it doesn't fit, etc. But, obviously, if you know of brands available elsewhere, please do add to the thread.

Please note, this is about single-layer only.

Also note that a AAA single-layer will never be as safe as a fully lined jeans, even if they are both rated AAA. E.g. see here

John Doe. It's a German brand. In the UK Urban Rider and Sports Bike Shop sell it. Urban rider also has videos.
I have tried the Pioneer slim fit and the Taylor mono straight. To be honest the difference in terms of fit is really minimal. They look and feel great. I have worn plenty of non-motorcycle jeans which were stiffer and heavier. The label says the aramids are only 2.5% so how on Earth have they achieved a AAA CE rating? I would really like to understand this as I can't get my head around how lightweight jeans get AAA while some jeans with 60-80 or even 100% lining get only AA.

Knox. I have tried the Shield, which is their only single-layer - with Spectra, which is an UHMWPE ; the brands which use it say it's stronger than aramids like kevlar, the brands which don't point to the lower melting point (ca. 150C) to suggest it's not as safe as kevlar because it might melt into the skin in a slide. I genuinely don't know. Anyway, it is really stiff. I wonder if it softens a bit over time. I have never seen this stiffness mentioned in other reviews so I wouldn't know what to think. The great thing about it is that, like all Knox, it has a hidden external pocket for the knee armour, which can be removed without taking off the jeans.

Resurgence: I have tried the Ultimate, AA. It's a bit stiffer than the John Doe, PMJ, Bull-it, but not as rigid as the Knox. I would not mind wearing the Resurgence the whole day.

PMJ: I have tried the Deux, which Motolegends for some reason calls the Tex-Pro and is AAA. The fabric feels fine; the protectors are a bit bulky, especially considering they are only level 1 like the D30 ghost, but for me the dealbreaker is that they are too skinny. I have no problem with the waist but it's really tight and uncomfortable on the calves.

Oxford. I think they only make one model, in the slim and straight versions. It was initially rated AAA, then they issued a product recall because the lab made a mistake and it's only AA. The fabric is nice but the slim is too slim in the calves for me, and the straight version was not available in the store where I went. They are supposedly sold with the Oxford Dynamic Level 2 armour, which is great because it is flat and compact like the D3O ghost, but it's level 2. This armour can also be bought separately - in fact I think it would be a great upgrade in most jeans. I'll make a separate post about that when I have time.

Bull-it: I have tried the Trident II straight, AA. The fabric was nice but the store didn't have my size. The Onyx straight fit me nicely but it was available only in black. With both, the armour was level 2 but not flat like the ghost, so it was waaaay too bulky for a pair of jeans. It can always be replaced with something else. I would have wanted to try the Covert Evo which is AAA but it wasn't available. Most models come in both straight and skinny. Revzilla says they are sold without armour in the US but they are sold with armour in Europe.

Rokker: The Rokkertech is quite stiff, not as much as the Knox but certainly the stiffest I have tried after that. And it's only an A in the CE ratings. Motolegends describes them as softer than the Revolution, but that's not my experience at all.
I have had the Rokker Revolution, mentioned in the thread above, for almost 5 years now. They are the only single-layer I know of with a waterproof membrane, which makes it unusable in temperatures > 20C (at least for me, everything is subjective). There was no CE rating when I bought it but now they are rated A. I don't think I would buy them again - too expensive for what they are. Unless you absolutely need the waterproof membrane, there are much better options now.

Uglybros and Fuel: didn't try them - too ugly for me

Pandomoto: didn't try them because Urban Rider only had black jeans. They only make a couple of non-black models, which I don't like. For my very personal use, black defies the point of single-layer, because I want single-layer in the summer, when it's hot, and I don't wear black then.

My conclusions:

  • Oxford are the best value for money, especially if you consider the level 2 armour
  • John Doe have the best, softest fabric with the best fit.
  • The PMJ are good as long as you don't have big calves
  • The Bull-it are good, too, but the armour is too bulky, replacing it adds to the cost.
  • The Rokkertech and the Knox are too stiff. The Rokker Revolution is too expensive and the membrane can make it clammy in the summer

So what will I buy? Well, I haven't decided yet! The John Doe seem really great but having only 2.5% of aramid puts me off a bit. I probably want to try the Roadskin Taranis first, which are AAA but have 27% kevlar, vs 2.5% aramid in the John Doe

Hope this was useful.
And, if you know how something with only 2.5% aramid can still achieve AAA, please do elaborate.

PS I seem to remember that 5 years ago these UHMWPE fabrics seemed to be all the rage while now they aren't that used. I wonder if it's because of the lower melting point or something else.

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Single-layer jeans: a few models compared (2025)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.