Teeth Whitening in New York City - How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in NYC? - Get A Whiter Smile in New York Near You - Making You Smile NYC (2024)

Teeth Whitening in New York City - How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in NYC? - Get A Whiter Smile in New York Near You - Making You Smile NYC (1)

Are you unhappy with your smile and wish it were brighter? You’re not alone.

Thousands of people get professional teeth whitening in New York City each year making it the most commonly performed cosmetic dentistry procedure in the Big Apple. Our Manhattan dentist office performs many of these procedures every month.

Stains on your teeth are unavoidable. They can be caused by food (such as berries or tomato sauce), drinks (such as coffee, tea, or red wine), or smoking. It is normal for your teeth to become more discolored as you age as these natural stains will build up over time.

Fortunately, finding an affordable teeth whitening process near you in New York City is simple and the team at Making You Smile can give you simple steps to prevent future stains.

Jump To: How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in NYC?, Types of Tooth Stains, Teeth Whitening Methods, Teeth Whitening FAQ's, Contact Our NYC Dentist Office

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in NYC?

One of the questions we get asked quite often is 'How much does professional teeth whitening cost in NYC?' It is very similarly priced to teeth whitening services anywhere else. The cost of teeth whitening in New York depends on what type of whitening treatment you go for. You may be able to get a deal on teeth whitening from time to time but typically professional in-office whitening is usually between $275 - $660.

The Cost Breakdown For Different Types of Teeth Whitening Options:

Whitening toothpaste: $3-$20
Whitening strips: $20-$40
Whitening kits: $275
Professional in-office whitening treatment: $660

At home whitening options like toothpaste or strips are much cheaper ranging from $3-$40 but their results are limited and don't last as long. If you decide to go with a take-home whitening kit then the cost is typically around $275. This is the more affordable teeth whitening option of the two that we offer here at Making You Smile. The cost for professional in-office teeth whitening at our NYC dental office is $660.This price is very similar to what you would find at most dental clinics both in New York and in other parts of the state so you can rest assured that the cost of teeth whitening near you in the city is what most people would expect to pay to get a whiter smile.

Professional Teeth Whitening vs Over-the-Counter

Today, many adults and even teenagers in NYC are faced with mounting pressure to reach a “beauty standard”. Many people are turning to over the counter teeth whitening products as the quickest and least inexpensive method to brighten the color of their teeth.

There are numerous whitening options available at drugstores and even department stores in New York City. These products are usually safe to use and can work if used correctly (and consistently), but few people ask which teeth whitening method is best for them and whether they should be undergoing this treatment at all.

Past dental work, or damage to your enamel can cause teeth whitening products to have unexpected results. The best first step is to talk to a dental professional near you about what products are effective and affordable.

With professional teeth whitening in New York, your cosmetic dentist will first assess your teeth to determine whether you’re a candidate for teeth whitening. They will then determine what type of teeth whitening you need based on the type of stains on your teeth. This process is safer than using over-the-counter products because you are under the supervision of a dental professional who will monitor results and any possible side effects.

Professional teeth whitening also has a higher concentration of the bleaching compound, which means you’ll have faster and more noticeable results.

Types of Tooth Stains

There are 2 types of stains that can make your teeth look dull or discolored. Depending on what type of stains you have, your dentist will recommend a different type of treatment. The 2 types of stains are:

  • Extrinsic Stains (above the enamel)
  • Intrinsic Stains (below the enamel)

Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic stains are above the enamel and are caused by daily habits such as frequent consumption of dark-colored beverages and foods, tobacco use, inadequate brushing, and infrequent dental cleanings. These stains can be prevented by maintaining a daily oral hygiene routine as well as regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings. If you smoke or drink coffee or soda daily, you’ll likely need some form of teeth whitening treatment to aid in stain removal.

Intrinsic Stains

Intrinsic Stains are below the enamel and are usually the result of aging or other external factors. These stains are not likely to respond well to topical bleaching, which means someone with intrinsic stains would likely be a candidate for in-office teeth whitening. There is also the possibility that this type of stain won’t respond well to either teeth whitening treatments. If that’s the case, other treatment options should be discussed with a cosmetic dentist in NYC.

Teeth Whitening in New York City - How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in NYC? - Get A Whiter Smile in New York Near You - Making You Smile NYC (3)

Teeth Whitening Methods

Two common teeth whitening methods that New York dentists recommend are in-office bleaching and take-home whitening trays:

1. In-office bleaching is a single-visit process where your dentist applies a gentle hydrogen peroxide solution onto teeth that are visible when you speak or smile. The gel is activated by a special light and held for approximately one hour, making teeth look 6-10 shades whiter. In-office teeth bleaching costs more than at-home whitening methods but the results are dramatic and only require one treatment.

2. Take-home whitening trays are custom-made to fit your smile and yours alone. A hydrogen peroxide solution is then provided along with the completed trays, and you are instructed to wear them for 30 minutes daily over the course of approximately 2 weeks.

Teeth Whitening in New York City - How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in NYC? - Get A Whiter Smile in New York Near You - Making You Smile NYC (4)

If you are indeed a candidate for teeth whitening, these options will be discussed at your initial consultation at our Midtown New York City dental office.

Read What Our Patients Have To Say About Us

"Going to the Dentist isn't something I enjoy at all. After a 2 year hiatus, due to the pandemic, I was in need of some serious teeth therapy. I was recommended (by a coworker) to Dr. Jalbout and his team. What a great experience. I was at ease, comfortable, welcomed, and nurtured from the very beginning. My anxiety level went from a 10 to a 2. Thank you to an outstanding staff! I have found a new home for my future dental needs."

Kevin McDaniel
Rating 5/5
And read more of our 204+ reviews on Google.

Safety of Teeth Whitening

Since teeth whitening took the world by storm, national and international dental health organizations have been working hard to make the available options safe – with a few exceptions:

The hydrogen peroxide content in whitening solutions may cause heightened tooth and gum sensitivity in some individuals, such as those with natural sensitivity issues or very unhealthy teeth. Adolescents under the age of 14 should not be whitening at all, as it can affect their developing tooth structure.

For these reasons, over-the-counter toothpaste, trays, and strips are not safe or appropriate for everyone and should be avoided as a general rule.

How many office appointments will it take to get the whitening process going?

The whitening process will take two appointments in our midtown NYC dental office.

The first appointment will take 30 minutes to make the molds (impressions) of
your teeth. After you leave, we will create the models of your teeth and fabricate
custom flexible trays.

A few days later you will need to come in for just 15 minutes to get the 2 custom
trays and 4 whitening syringes containing the whitening material.
Custom trays of your upper and lower teeth Whitening material

How long should I wear the trays filled with the whitening material?

You should wear the trays 30 minutes each day for 14 days or until you get the
results you want and then for an additional three days.

The three extra days are to compensate for the slight relapse that will occur after
completing the whitening process.

What can I expect during the whitening process?

Tooth sensitivity may occur during the bleaching process. If this becomesunbearable, you may skip one or 2 days of application. This sensitivity istemporary.

If you use a lot of material some of it may seep out and create a whitespot on your gum. Do not get alarmed; this will disappear in a few days. You onlyneed to use a small amount of whitening material. Adding more material will notwhiten teeth any faster.

The longer you were the wear the trays, the whiter your teeth will become.

How do I apply the whitening material and how much do I use?

Squeeze a small drop of whitening material from the syringe into the front aspectof the custom trays that have been created for you. You will then place the traysover your teeth.

Only .25 or 1 quarter of 1 syringe is needed per arch. In other words, 1 syringeshould last at least 2 days of applications.

Tips When Whitening Teeth

Although dentist-supervised whitening is the safest and most effective solution, there are many things that you can do to maintain whiter, stronger teeth for the long term:

• Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day to remove naturally staining bacteria.
• Eat foods with natural abrasives (i.e., stain removers), such as apples, carrots, and celery.
• Eat dairy and other foods high in calcium.
• Minimize or avoid activities that stain teeth, such as drinking red wine and smoking cigarettes.
• Discontinue whitening immediately if increased sensitivity occurs.
• Do not whiten teeth if pregnant or nursing.
• Do not repeat whitening sessions more than twice per year.

Will bleaching damage my teeth?

The periodic use of teeth whitening products with a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide does not damage teeth. The nerves in the tooth can get irritated by hydrogen peroxide as it penetrates the tooth, however, this effect is short lived and does not cause damage to the tooth.

We take confidence in astudy done on teeth whitening that concluded when the manufacturer’s instructions are followed, hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide-based tooth whitening is safe and effective.

How does the teeth whitening process work?

Hydrogen peroxide is the main active chemical in the teeth whitening process. It penetrates the enamel of the tooth and releases oxygen moleculesin a process called oxidation. The oxygen is able to break the bonds of the molecules causing the discoloration so that they can be released from your teeth, leaving only the original white enamel behind.

How long does the whitening last?

Teeth whitening results can last for many years. However, the length of time that the achieved whiteness remainsdepends on a variety of factors including a patient’s lifestyle and oral hygiene habits.The effect is obviously less likely to last as long if one smokes, or eats or drinks products that stain teeth like coffee or red wine.

Since the mouth guard trays are already fitted to your teeth, some patients opt to occasionally undergo a periodic treatment to help maintain the brightness.

What will whitening do to my existing dental work? Are there side effects?

It’s important to get your teeth professionally cleaned, have all your cavities filled, and make sure your gums are healthy before using teeth whitening products. The dentist will perform an oral exam to make sure that you are a good candidate for this process. At the same time, any issues regarding your existing dental work will be discussed.

To find out more about teeth whitening safety and the best option for your individual needs, always speak to your dentist first. Ziad Jalbout from Making You Smile is one such dentist, proudly offering teeth whitening to New York City residents. Contact Us to book your appointment!

How much does teeth whitening cost?

Our office in NYC charges $660 for our teeth whitening service. This includes an in-office whitening session for (1.5 hours long), a one week home whitening kit, and take-home custom trays to keep your teeth sparkling.

Find answers to the following questions in the Whitening – Home Whitening Q&As:

1. Is it safe to bleach my teeth?

2. Will bleaching damage my teeth?

3. How does the whitening process work?

4. How long does the whitening last?

5. What will whitening do to my existing dental work?

6. Are there side effects?

Teeth Whitening in New York City - How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in NYC? - Get A Whiter Smile in New York Near You - Making You Smile NYC (6)

If you are looking for a whiter smile this year don't hesitate to contact our New York City dental office to book a consultation. We will be able to assess your teeth and determine the best course of action to get you the best smile possible. Call today. 646-484-0197

Teeth Whitening in New York City - How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in NYC? - Get A Whiter Smile in New York Near You - Making You Smile NYC (2024)
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