The Fitness Studio, Nieuwegein: Uren, prijs en meningen (2024)

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The Fitness Studio, Nieuwegein: Uren, prijs en meningen (1)

Informatie over The Fitness Studio

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Nevelgaarde 4
3436 ZZ, Nieuwegein


+31 30 604 1958


  • maandag: 07:00–12:30, 16:00–22:00
  • dinsdag: 07:00–12:30, 16:00–22:00
  • woensdag: 07:00–12:30, 16:00–22:00
  • donderdag: 07:00–12:30, 16:00–22:00
  • vrijdag: 07:00–12:30, 16:00–20:00
  • zaterdag: 08:00–13:00
  • zondag: 08:30–13:00

We're better together is het motto van ons concept! Boksen, Small Group Training, HIIT, Personal Training, 12 weken afslanktraject, Fysio, Yoga & meer.

“We’re better together” is de succesformule die wij hanteren binnen The Fitness Studio. Wij willen dat jíj jezelf ontwikkelt tot de sporter die je graag wil zijn. Of je nu af wil vallen, sterker wil worden of op zoek bent naar sportspecifieke (kracht)training: wij bieden jou de begeleiding die je nodig hebt. Maar hoe doen we dat dan?

Als je start bij TFS, krijg je bovendien ons TFS-handboek met daarin alle info om je wegwijs te maken. Zie het als een encyclopedie met uitleg over trainingen, lessen indelingen, afkortingen en nog veel meer. Nu al meer weten over de lessen? Klik hier voor het aanbod van alle TFS-trainingen!

Na m’n tweede zwangerschap was het tijd de touwtjes strak te trekken. Een stok achter de deur, dat was wat ik weer even nodig had. Daarom ben ik begonnen met het Personal Project! Een traject waarin je informatie aangedragen krijgt en ik mijn (hulp)vragen heb kunnen stellen!

Tijdens het traject heb ik balans gekregen in mijn voeding: eten wat ik wil, binnen bepaalde kaders én ben mede daardoor afgevallen!Ook weer lekker aan het trainen gegaan! Zo fijn!

Sinds 2020 train ik bij TFS. Trainen is voor mij echt een uitlaatklep, vooral tijdens de lockdown en naast 4 dagen per week thuiswerken. Het bewuste gevoel van mezelf fitter en sterker voelen, geeft me energie en motivatie om net een tandje harder te gaan.

Met trainingen zoals Strength & Conditioning, Power, Zaktraining en de nieuwe Capacity training kan ik kracht en conditie perfect afwisselen: best of both worlds.

De opbouw van de programmering is goed doordacht waardoor ik mijn trainingen goed kan plannen en mijn progressie kan bijhouden. De coaches letten goed op techniek, pushen je net over dat randje heen en zijn altijd in voor een gezellig praatje.

Ik train vaak met dezelfde mensen wat een stok achter de deur, maar ook heel gezellig is. En het helpt me vaak ook, want rondes tellen tijdens een workout is iets waar ik nooit goed in zal zijn ????En wanneer ik alleen ga, voelt het vanwege de Small Group trainingen niet alleen. Met z’n allen helemaal kapot gaan en je eigen grenzen opzoeken, vind ik heerlijk!

Sinds vorig jaar oktober ben ik lid bij TFS, omdat ik na de 1ste lockdown weer onder begeleiding wilde trainen. Ik had erg last van mijn rug waardoor ik al vrij snel een aangepast schema kreeg en hoopte dat het daarmee ook over zou gaan. Helaas bleek ik eind van het jaar een hernia te hebben en dan schiet je wel even in de stress. Kon ik überhaupt nog wel blijven sporten? Gelukkig was het voor de coaches van TFS geen probleem en ben ik begonnen met 1 op 1 training. Ze leerden mij vooral weer goed te bewegen, te luisteren naar mijn lichaam en langzaam weer vertrouwen te krijgen. In maart ben ik dan ook weer begonnen met het volgen van de lessen, weliswaar nog veel aangepast maar inmiddels kan ik weer aardig mee draaien. De coaches denken goed mee als een oefening echt nog niet gaat en zoeken echt naar de juiste mogelijkheden. Ik heb nog wel een weg te gaan maar uiteindelijk kom ik er wel, mede dankzij de coaches van TFS.Kortom, een hele fijne sportschool!

Ik sport nu ruim 6 jaar bij The Fitness Studio. Hiervoor was ik lid bij een sportschool waar je vaak “verzoop” tussen de leden en waar ik niet wist wat met welk apparaat te doen. Dit moest anders!Ik ben begonnen met de Strength & Conditioning trainingen waarbij professionele begeleiding voorop stond en nog steeds staat! Er wordt tijdens het sporten goed op je gelet om blessures te voorkomen. Mocht dit onverhoopt toch gebeuren dan is er altijd een alternatief.Ik sport zo’n 3 á 4 keer per week, eigenlijk door de diversiteit van de trainingen en uiteraard de tijden. Door het enthousiasme van de trainers en mede sporters is het dan ook super als het doel gehaald wordt.The Fitness Studio is een sportschool waar de sfeer prettig en persoonlijk is, zowel onder de trainers als onder de leden.Ik kan me geen week zonder sporten meer indenken en kan The Fitness Studio aan iedereen aanraden.

Ik ben Mahtab Shanjani, 33 jaar en woon in IJsselstein. Nadat ik verhuisde vanuit Utrecht naar IJsselstein was ik op zoek naar een goede sportschool. Eentje die niet grootschalig was en die goede begeleiding had. Ik fietsen een keer uit mijn werk langs TFS. Ik heb gelijk opgezocht wat voor sportschool dit was en het concept “small group” training sprak me heel erg aan. Ik heb toen snel een afspraak gemaakt en gelijk na de proefles heb ik mezelf ingeschreven. Helaas moest ik na een jaar stoppen met trainen vanwege een hernia. In 2017 ben ik geopereerd en na veel vallen en opstaan ben ik in augustus 2018 weer begonnen met het trainen bij TFS. Ik werd ontzettend fijn terugontvangen en veel geholpen met aangepaste oefeningen zodat ik alles langzaam op kon bouwen. Inmiddels train ik 4 x per week met veel plezier en met veel resultaat. Er is 20 kg af en ik voel me fitter en sterker dan ooit. Bij deze wil ik het team ook ontzettend bedanken voor jullie hulp en de leuke lessen. Doordat de groep klein is krijg je goede begeleiding en aansturing. Een les bij TFS is nooit hetzelfde en dat maakt het sporten allesbehalve saai!


The Fitness Studio heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

The Fitness Studio: Meningen

5/5 (51 Meningen)

Laura Girbaran-Groot 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice and friendly gym with a cozy atmosphere! I like to follow the small group lessons given by top trainers! They are always there to motivate you and help you when you need it. Getting up early on Saturday morning is not a punishment if you train with a nice group :) I also know how to make the best of it during this difficult time and we can keep moving outside. At the moment I follow the Personal Project Foundation which helps me on the right track for a healthy and sporty lifestyle! In short, the best gym in Nieuwegein! Sporty greeting from Laura

Debbie van Zanten 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Already gave a review a year ago, but here's an update. Been working out at TFS for over 2 years now. And yes, I sometimes come less for a while, but when I come again I think. Yes this is it and stupid that I've been less lately. Personal contact with the trainers and make time for a chat. Also not unimportant: nice contact with fellow athletes!!!

Ghislaine Meijlink 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: For more than 5 years, TFS has been my place to go for a good work out! The nice team with people, the atmosphere and the quality of the classes motivate me to get in the car every day and drive 20 minutes to get to the gym. Recommended for anyone who wants to get the best out of themselves!! ;)

Denise Beekman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Lots of different and fun classes. Especially from bag training and Strength&Conditionong. A gym focused on personal performance and improvement. Received a lot of clear information, guidance and tips during Personal Project Foundation for a 12-week period. I am very happy with the results already achieved and know that I can always contact the coaches for further questions and advice.

Chris Boogaard 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Followed the PPT trajectory in the past 12 weeks, highly recommended. Good guidance and a basis to continue on. Not just a diet, but real change and the guidance is also very nice. In addition, exercising is very nice because it is always in small groups with personal attention.

emmy 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sport and I really don't become friends, but if I have to work out somewhere then at the TFS. Personal attention, motivation, results are the keywords for this sports studio. No crowds, but a wide range of classes, pleasant trainers and hygiene is very high here. Been sporting here for years, I haven't lasted that long elsewhere! Once you've tasted the atmosphere, played a lesson, you really don't want to go back to another gym. I'm almost going to like sports

Koffieboer85 Koffie 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Look, you can train anywhere! But the attention, atmosphere and how these coaches are, that's just next level. Accessible, healthy atmosphere and above all feasible.

Kirsten 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Challenging training sessions, great trainers, accessible for novice athletes who really want to change their lifestyle. They understand how best to exercise with certain injuries and the trainers also support you in this. Thanks to TFS in combination with The Fysio Studio, after years of effort I can train better and better since a concussion, without being too bothered after the training sessions. In addition, despite the corona measures, they are always looking for opportunities to let you keep working out. After this I started to follow Personal Project Advanced. Intention was to have a big stick and lose some fat. I didn't think I could learn so much about training and especially mindset. I have now actually got the tools to continue without needing this 'stick in the door', have lost fat and full of motivation to continue. Highly recommended to follow!!

Sandra Wiss 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: We have already used Marco's physio skills twice to full satisfaction. It is certainly not the guidance during the lessons, but due to a strange movement he sustained an injury in his own time, which he solved wonderfully quickly.

Grietje Ronald 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I participate in the Personal Project Foundation. Something I gifted myself for my 45th birthday! And although I have quite a lot of experience with really nice clubs (personal and small-scale) and have to drive half an hour, I have to say that the community of coaches and members are really worth it. Everything is right. The know-how, the attention, the dedication (which is also expected of you) and the warmth. The project is so well put together, you dive deeper and deeper into your own mind and body. I can extrapolate this 12 weeks project to my personal life project Thanks Sanja. And Jim and Cosma.

nelleke Speksnijder 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been able to train with great pleasure at TFS for 5 years. And what a special studio it is! One that thinks along with you and adapts to your wishes and especially goals. In my early period at TFS I lost 10 kilos after I quit smoking. I used the gym on my bikini fitness adventure. Have you been very well guided during my 2 pregnancies so that I went through these as fit but also safe as possible. And now I'm participating in the personal project. Where advice in training and nutrition is bundled together and shared with us in the weekly meetings. Hence 5 stars for this great fitness studio!

ginger drost 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: TFS is the perfect gym for me. I have been sporting here for over 3 years now with great pleasure. Good guidance, a listening ear and a super nice atmosphere. As an experienced 'waste expert', I participated in the personal project and it is really so well organized! So much new information and eye openers. A new lifestyle is really taught and not another easy way that only lasts 6 weeks and then you fall back into old patterns. Personal project advanced is definitely the next step for me! Thanks tfs!

C T 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At The Fitness Studio you can have a blast and achieve your sporty goals! The group lessons are given in pleasant small groups by expert instructors who pay attention to technique and progress. So if you want to train in a small-scale gym with a pleasant and motivated atmosphere and varied classes, TFS is the gym to be.

Monique Parmentier 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Always a listening "ear" with regard to the wishes in terms of sports, nutrition and health. They are good at motivating and stimulating people. And the fact that physiotherapy is also present makes it complete in terms of good quality

Dani vd V 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: TFS is a high end gym. The owners and coaches have the right mindset to guide you to a better version of yourself. You will find varied lessons of good quality here. The same attention is given to everything and that is great. You certainly won't find that everywhere.

btaoufik taoufik 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super motivating employees! Accessible gym. I finally feel 100% motivated to start working out again. Price/quality ratio is more than fine.

Ilse Peters 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A very nice gym that makes you feel welcome on day one! The personal nature of the gym/coaches attracted me, so I registered immediately! There are many possibilities in terms of lessons and are challenging every time, it is also how challenging it makes you for yourself! The coaches are professional and take possible injuries into account, no excuses not to be able to exercise! A gym that I love to come to!

DAISY 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A gym that genuinely helps you to get better physically and mentally. And that challenge you to go to extremes. Highly recommended!

Martine Fournier 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I love to drive 25 minutes to Nieuwegein to train here. I already knew some trainers from earlier, so I knew that really qualitative training courses are given, which are well thought out and give results with your own efforts. Service level outside the training is also really top. So nothing but a recommendation! :-)

Hennie van Wijk 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: the fitness studio, is a great sports studio that I have enjoyed going to for many years now. The group lessons are always inspiring with the right challenge for everyone. The coaches guide the lessons in a responsible way! The classes consist of fitness, power, boxing and yoga! In the unlikely event that you are injured, there is also the option of physiotherapy! Personal training is an excellent option for posture and health! In short, a great gym where I hope to continue working out for a long time to come!

Kim Muileman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very good gym/physio. You will be well supervised and they will think along with you. A really nice gym.

Megan Bruinink 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fun in sports completely rediscovered at TFS. Partly thanks to the fun group lessons, but also certainly because of the great employees who push you to go the extra mile! In addition, you will also be well guided in case of injuries or questions about nutrition and lifestyle. Highly recommended!

Koos Van Os 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fun and varied personal training, given by Tom and Sebastiaan, among others. Furthermore, relaxed atmosphere and personal attention for the students, so great!

Marga de Bie 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Started at the gym in July, was immediately received nicely. It is nice that you can always ask questions. The strenght condition classes are also fun to follow, I am 71 years old and I am among the most young girls, but Tom and Marco have never made me feel like they don't belong. In short, a very nice gym where I feel very comfortable. Marga

Sander Hagens 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: TFS is just a great gym where professionalism and fun go together perfectly! The trainers give good instructions so that the exercises are performed correctly and can also push you to help you get the best out of yourself. They get to know everyone personally, see what motivates someone individually and respond to that perfectly! Planning training sessions is super easy via the app, you train with a group of people who are all motivated and there is enough variety so that nobody gets bored.

Felicity de Kruijf 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been a member of TFS for over a year now and I am more than satisfied. Last year was of course an eventful year with the two lockdowns. Despite this, TFS has done everything it can to keep people exercising this year. Now that I am (highly) pregnant, I can no longer do some exercises. The coaches then propose a comparable and more appropriate exercise, so that I can still participate in the training sessions. That way I can keep training until the end of my pregnancy.

Erik Tijsinger 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The Fitness Studio is simply a fantastic gym. In any case, the best I've sported so far. Due to the concept of the Small Group Training, there is constant personal attention and specific situations, such as injuries, can be taken into account. The training sessions are also well structured, challenging and the trainers are knowledgeable, attentive and each and every one of them is just super cool! The past two years have not been easy for gyms. Despite that, TFS has always made an enormous effort to enable their members to exercise. Where others may (of course often be forced) closed their doors and the members had to do it themselves, TFS has constantly looked for solutions: online classes via Zoom, outdoor sports with and without a trainer and a lot of motivation remotely. Because of the small scale, the contact between the members is also good and friendly. That makes TFS not only the right place to get healthy and fit, but also a good place to socialize!

SRS 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice studio with experienced trainers. There are many different lessons that each can use to achieve their goals. The members who train there are sympathetic and motivated.

Thom Evers 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sportschool die denkt in mogelijkheden, goede instructeurs die corrigeren en goed begeleiden.

Suzie Joku 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Recently started at the Fitness Studio because I was struggling with a long-lasting knee injury. I was received very warmly and that is how communication is actually continuous. I feel seen, I am not a number. There is a nice atmosphere among each other and the rooms are well equipped. The guidance is expert and it is unbelievable how quickly I have made progress thanks to very specific exercises! Also in terms of lifestyle. Recently I completed Personal Project Foundation trajectory. The trajectory is well organized with a weekly theme, explanation, translation to my own situation and a weekly assignment to practice with the theme and to apply after the trajectory. That worked! And also lost belly size! Highly recommended if you are looking for an all-round gym or coaching!

Samantha Janssen-Taalman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice gym. Lots of personal attention and well-structured training sessions. Any injuries are always taken into account and in addition to hard training, there is always room for some small-talk and a joke. I highly recommend The Fitness Studio!

Floor Werensteijn 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: During the first lockdown, I got tired of not moving. Sit still. So I started training in December, unfortunately after 2 weeks the gyms had to close. Fortunately, they also provide personal training at TFS. What an outcome. Staff also thinks along with you and is very friendly. TFS is not just any gym with I know how many members. No, it is a smaller gym with personal guidance, you are not a number with them. You are seen and if you do not come for a while, they ask how you are. Since January I have had PT lessons with Tom twice a week! Very nice to get away from my "home / work" environment. And it is also bearing fruit, by combining sport and nutrition I am now 5kg lighter! My ultimate goal is certainly achievable with the right guidance and support from the employees of TFS.

Sandra Hondeman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The personal attention, varied lessons and the diversity of lessons makes TFS a great gym. Good social atmosphere! Train hard at your own level. This way you can find the better version of yourself.

Jeroen van Beest 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Now that we are a year further as a member of this club, it is time for another review. Although my opinion has not changed! Even in the period when gyms were not allowed to be open, TFS has done everything it can to keep everyone motivated and to facilitate sports at home. Online lessons, equipment loan. As soon as the weather was possible, TFS created an outdoor opportunity for sports and instructors were there to answer your questions. Sessions could be arranged to train 1 on 1, so that you could get motivated again if this motivation had subsided. In short, I have never noticed that a gym has committed so much to its members. Cheers! And super grateful for this. The guidance during sports / lessons is also excellent. Where you can, you will be challenged and if they see you taking on too much hay? Then they subtly slow you down a bit. I don't want anything else!

Charlotte van der Lijke 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Are you looking for a gym with good guidance and fun group lessons? Then you've come to the right place at TFS! They have a lot of variety in group lessons and if you want to exercise at home, this is also possible thanks to the Zoom training sessions. Personal approach, definitely recommended!

appeltje voordedorst 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Got addicted to kickboxing thanks to TFS! I follow the Personal Training lessons of Cedrick, 1 of the top trainers at TFS, and in less than 2 months I went through an enormous transformation, both physically and mentally. TFS has a great community and I'm happy with my choice to join! Chaya Kanhai

Danny Workel 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A sports club where there is a great feeling of togetherness through the coaches and the owner. Sports together with a goal is the credo here. In a relaxed atmosphere you will receive the guidance you need and you will be motivated to work on your personal goals. Fitness, HIIT, Yoga, Boxing and also Physio offers TFS for a reasonable price. Afz. Danny Workel

Tim Possemis 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good gym with great and above all competent coaches. Exercise here for 6 weeks now and have the fun back in sports. With the Personal Training there is only attention for you and you will train specifically for your goal, whatever that may be. The group lessons are with a maximum of 12 people, so there is always personal attention. There is a cozy atmosphere and you are constantly urged to be just that little bit better than last time. The training is considered and you will notice this in your progression. I'm in the right place here!

Shahin Shahandeh 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality Top gym.

Alma Vermeulen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: We are working hard at the fitness studio! Both by members and the trainers. The trainers know a lot and can translate their knowledge into the guidance of the members. The lessons are great fun, so you always leave with pleasure and energy.

Esmee Van de Bilt 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Finally a gym where there is real (!!) personal attention for you. The time is taken to explain everything, if necessary. and to see if you are performing the exercises correctly. For me personally, this is very nice to prevent injuries. There is good communication via e-mail and TFS app. It is very nice to be able to register in advance for a lesson and to train in smaller groups. In 1 word; SUPER community !!

Manal YAMINI 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been a member of quite a few gyms but it was not always somehow. At TFS I thought at the beginning also nice for a year and then looking for something else but now I could not imagine exercising elsewhere anymore. Small group training is nice because the focus is on each individual and because the groups are so small, your posture is carefully considered to prevent unnecessary injuries. There is always a trainer or physiotherapist available if needed and the owners are nice people who are always there for you. For this reason 5 stars for TFS!

Wim Van Dijk 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym! Started a personal project 11 weeks ago. Exercise 3 times a week, adjusted diet and excellent guidance. TFS is not a "regular" gym, but a community of like-minded people. All classes are in a group under expert supervision. Varied classes, small groups, relaxed atmosphere ..... all the ingredients are there to make you feel at home from the first lesson. For the first time a gym where I found motivation with a huge mountain to go!

Marcella Rot 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: What a great place to exercise and be part of the community! I was looking for a gym where people know you, where you are guided to get the best out of yourself and where the trainers and the other members encourage each other to take that step further than you might think you could. And I found that gym. Top trainers, coaches, guidance, sufficient and varied range of training in small groups, so attention for everyone who participates. Personal guidance, guidance in lifestyle changes (wider than sports only) and positive thinking in possibilities. Even under the new situation they do not sit still and sports via the live stream is the rule where even remote guidance is really good! Meanwhile working outside on location in Nieuwegein ️‍♀️

Anne Brouwer 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At TFS you can exercise how and when you want. There is an extensive range of different types of training and for different types of athletes. The trainers are professional, motivate and help you improve your performance at everyone's level. It is also small enough not to feel a number and it is noticed when there is not there! For me TFS is the ideal gym in combination with a busy job and family! I would recommend everyone to join this, because sports go hand in hand with results, personal attention and fun! What else do you need? !!

Esther van der Mark 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Only praise for TFS !!! How happy I am to have had the opportunity to get to know this gym in the past. I feel fitter and especially since I discovered boxing I have enjoyed the training a lot. A lot of attention is paid to both your technique and the training courses, which will challenge you again and again! The atmosphere is very good. Highly recommended to choose this gym.

yara martens 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: You will not find a more personal gym than TFS. Jim, Cosma and the rest of the team are 100% committed to their members and do everything they can to make it as pleasant and fun as possible for them. Fine group lessons in which you always get that extra motivation from the trainer to continue. There is always a relaxed and casual atmosphere so you always feel at ease!

Kim Bosch 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice fitness studio with good group lessons, personal attention and pleasant versatility in the training sessions. I would recommend this gym to anyone who wants to (learn to) exercise seriously and at a good level. You learn to get the best out of yourself through training, personal trajectories and common goals. Thanks so much TFS! I will keep busy with sports with you!

Chantal van Oostrum 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: What a great gym. After having seen several gyms, the last few years have never found the motivation to continue. I really feel at home here. Started the 12-week process and found my sense of sports again. Even during this corona crisis, the TFS team is extremely creative. Home lessons, calling each other to provide you with tips and now that we can exercise outside again, we have done everything to accommodate us as a member. I can recommend this gym to everyone, what a stars!

Jerry Boswijk 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: In the last 20 years I have worn out several gyms, but TFS is by far the best. from the 1st time I walked in it felt like coming home. all trainers know your name and you do not feel like a number here. it is not a massive gym and I really like that. the small group trainings are max 12 man and you get a lot more attention than in the mass lessons that I have followed in previous gyms. if you try to smuggle it is also noticed haha. I feel much more motivated here and through the small groups you get to know the other and you also encourage each other to just continue. the trainers also know well what is going on and take all the time to help you with advice and possibly a schedule if you can not do everything due to an injury. I have progressed tremendously both physically and conditionally in the past year and if I can not exercise once, I really like it and I never had that in the past. there are also more and more lessons that make it easy to follow the lessons you prefer. for the lessons you sign up via an app and that is really a stick for me to keep going. TFS keep up the good work

Ciera Cao 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A gym focused on the idea of creating a community that motivates members to train together and harder. Very good location, responsible trainers and a variety of efficient group trainings you can join.

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The Fitness Studio komt voor in de volgende lijsten:

32 Sportscholen in Nieuwegein
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The Fitness Studio, Nieuwegein: Uren, prijs en meningen (10)

Jodaro Gym

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The Fitness Studio, Nieuwegein: Uren, prijs en meningen (11)

Body Business B.V.

Bekijk adres en contactgegevens

Baden Powellweg 4 - 3401 RR, IJsselstein

+31 30 688 2112

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The Fitness Studio, Nieuwegein: Uren, prijs en meningen (12)

Lucas Fitnesscentrum BV

Bekijk adres en contactgegevens

Lage Dijk-Noord 6 - 3401 VA, IJsselstein


+31 30 687 4757

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The Fitness Studio, Nieuwegein: Uren, prijs en meningen (13)

Lots of Energy

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Herenstraat 45 - 3431 CW, Nieuwegein


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The Fitness Studio, Nieuwegein: Uren, prijs en meningen (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.