Top 5 Reasons to do 75 Hard - Surrey Physio (2025)

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75 Hard is a mental toughness program created by entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker Andy Frisella. It's designed to build grit, discipline, and self-control through a strict programme lasting for 75 days. The method involves doing daily tasks that must be followed precisely, with the idea that it not only enhances physical fitness but also strengthens your mental resilience.

I was recently introduced to the 75 Hard by a friend of my wife’s who had just started it. She was aiming to lose weight and wanted to stop drinking so much alcohol in preparation for a half-iron man. Interestingly, Andy Frisella describes it as an iron-man for your brain, and a way to take control of your life in only 75 days. He reports that over 500,000 people have completed 75 Hard and he has over 3,000,000 followers on his Instagram page @AndyFrisella

The 75 Hard Programme consists of:

Follow a Diet: Stick to a structured diet with no cheat meals and absolutely no alcohol.

Work Out Twice a Day: Perform two 45-minute workouts each day, one of which must be outdoors regardless of the weather.

Drink a Gallon of Water: Consume one gallon (approximately 3.8 litres) of water every day.

Read 10 Pages: Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book each day to encourage personal growth or self-improvement.

Take a Progress Picture: Take a photo of oneself every day to visually document the journey and changes.

Failing to complete any of the tasks means starting over from day one. It's designed to be more than a fitness challenge; it's a test of mental toughness and commitment. However, it's important to note that this programme is not designed by health professionals, and anyone considering it should assess their own health needs and possibly consult with a healthcare provider.

Top 5 Reasons to do the 75 Hard Challenge

1.Mental Toughness

The programme is designed to strengthen you mentally. It will build discipline, commitment, and give you an incredible sense of achievement. Afterwards, you’ll know you can do anything you put your mind to. Is it easy? No. Is it going to be hard? No. Is it going to be very hard? YES. You’ll have to pick yourself up when you’re feeling low, when you have a cold, and when you are tired and exhausted so that you overcome adversity with your mental outlook.


We spend so much time procrastinating. It’s so easy to put off tasks for tomorrow. However, having accountability is a key-part to success. Most people lack the self-accountability to keep themselves committed. This programme will force you to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable, to self-challenge yourself and to succeed.

3.Personal Growth and Learning

A brilliant part of this programme is reading the 10 pages of a book per day, and ideally a self-growth book. Some great examples of books may include books that I’ve personally read, like The Chimp Paradox, Evolve your Brain, Reversing Type II Diabetes, Start with Why or any number of other great books to self-develop yourself or improve your life. At the end of the 75 Hard challenge, you will have probably read 3 books! This is a fantastic way to self-educate and improve your life.

4.Fitness Gains

Exercising 45-minutes twice per day is fantastic for the body, but make sure you vary the exercise. Don’t make the mistake of running twice per day every day, you’ll almost certainly break down in injury due to overload. Instead, ensure at least one of those 45-minutes is exercising with low-impact, for example, cycling or swimming are ideal. A yoga or Pilates class is also ideal because the structure and routine of the class can help keep you motivated. Being outdoors is great for improving levels of vitamin D, and being close to nature, helping your mind and body.

Be mindful of your physical limitations, and ensure you are physically prepared for this challenge. Our physiotherapists can help assist you with knowing if there are any issues that could arise, and you could consult us at Surrey Physio – just book online to see one of our team.

5. Weight Loss

One of the biggest reasons, aside from the mental improvements, will be the weight loss. Exercising twice per day and following a diet will help you lose weight. Drinking 3.8 litres of water (this is very challenging in itself) will help you to stay healthy. Losing weight is about being disciplined, and the 75 Hard programme will help you to build that discipline. Taking photos of yourself will show your weight-loss journey.

The 75 Hard programme is great. It’s hard, yes, actually very hard. However, it’s also good, and will do great things for your mental and physical health.

You can find out more on his website:

Top 5 Reasons to do 75 Hard - Surrey Physio (2025)


Top 5 Reasons to do 75 Hard - Surrey Physio? ›

One part-fitness program, one-part-nutritional plan, the 75 Hard Challenge centers around the idea of “mental toughness”: That you have to push past your comfort zone and challenge yourself to the extreme in the effort to make long-term lasting improvement on your mind, body and overall outlook on life.

What are the 5 critical tasks of 75 Hard? ›

Rules of the 75 Hard Program
  • Follow a diet. ...
  • Complete two 45-minute workouts, one of which must be outdoors.
  • Take a progress picture.
  • Drink 1 gallon of water.
  • Read 10 pages of a book (audiobooks not included).

What is the reason for 75 Hard? ›

One part-fitness program, one-part-nutritional plan, the 75 Hard Challenge centers around the idea of “mental toughness”: That you have to push past your comfort zone and challenge yourself to the extreme in the effort to make long-term lasting improvement on your mind, body and overall outlook on life.

Does a 45-minute walk count for 75 Hard? ›

Here how 75 Hard works: For 75 days straight, you must: Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes each session. (Note: A walk counts.)

What are good workouts for 75 Hard? ›

Here are some of the workouts you can do for 75 HARD...
  • Weight lifting.
  • Running.
  • Biking.
  • Swimming.
  • Hiking.
  • Walking (I use a weighted vest to make it more challenging)
  • Rucking.
  • Interval training.

Does walking count on 75 Hard? ›

The type of workout doesn't matter. You can run, lift weights, do a cross-training workout, go for a walk, or even do yoga. As long as you're getting up and getting your body moving with the intent to get better, it counts.

Can 75 Hard be harmful? ›

The 75 Hard challenge is also temporary by nature, and going on a temporary diet – especially if it's low-calorie or particularly restrictive – may prompt or exacerbate patterns of yo-yo dieting, which can be harmful in the long run.

How to win 75 Hard? ›

75 Hard requires six commitments you must complete every day for 75 days.
  1. Two 45-minute workouts. One must be outside.
  2. Adhering to a diet. You can pick the diet, but you can't cheat.
  3. Reading 10 pages of a self-help or educational book.
  4. Drinking a gallon of water.
  5. Taking a progress picture.
Jan 10, 2024

How many people actually finish 75 Hard? ›

For those unfamiliar, 75 Hard is a grueling mental and physical toughness program that demands a lot from its participants. They say less than 1% of people finish it.

Can you drink soda on 75 Hard? ›

Yes, since it doesn't have sugars, a diet soda is okay. It doesn't count toward your water intake though.

Is sugar allowed in 75 Hard? ›

75 Hard Challenge Rules

Follow a diet: The diet can be anything you choose, whether it's Whole30, vegetarian, plant-based, pescatarian, gluten-free, Paleo, no added sugar — you choose, but there has to be a "physical improvement" in mind.

Can you drink during 75 Hard? ›

What are the rules of 75 Hard? The five rules are as follows: Follow a nutrition plan of your choice–no alcohol or cheat meals allowed. Do two 45-minute workouts each day, one indoors and another outdoors.

Can you do two walks for 75 HARD? ›

I developed 75 HARD specifically to work for everyone regardless of physical fitness activity. You have to do 2 workouts a day ... and I don't specify what they need to be so that you can do whatever you need to do based on your fitness level. It could literally be as simple as going for two 45-minute walks.

How to mentally prepare for 75 HARD? ›

How To Prepare For the 75Hard Challenge
  1. Listen to the podcast. ...
  2. Think about what you want to gain from the challenge. ...
  3. Decide if the 75Hard Challenge is really right for you right now. ...
  4. Timing does matter. ...
  5. Be realistic about the diet you choose. ...
  6. Find a few good websites or Instagram pages to follow for meal inspiration.
Apr 30, 2023

Does stretching count 75 HARD? ›

Participants must commit to 45-minute daily workouts for 75 straight days. However, one day each week should be set aside for lighter activities like yoga, stretching, or even just a relaxed walk which is called an “active rest” day. This approach is said to be taken to aid body rest and repair.

What are the 5 steps to 75 HARD? ›

What is the 75 hard challenge?
  1. 1 – Stick to a diet of your choice. Keto, paleo or vegan: it's up to you. ...
  2. 2 – No alcohol. ...
  3. 3 – Perform two 45-minute long workouts per day. ...
  4. 4 – Drink a gallon of water a day. ...
  5. 5 – Take a progress photo every day. ...
  6. 6 – 10 pages of non-fiction self-development books each day.
Oct 11, 2023

What is a critical task list? ›

The Critical Task list is a first step to develop a routine in organising your ongoing work without feeling overwhelmed. Using this will ensure that what you set out to do is actually possible with the timeframe and budget you have available.

What is a critical power list task? ›

It is nothing more than a list of 5 critical tasks that you must complete each day to help you make progress toward your biggest goals and dreams in life. The entire concept of The Power List is to develop winning habits in your life. It's a super simple, yet powerful concept.

What are the critical tasks? ›

What is a critical task? Tasks that cannot be delayed without affecting the project finish date are the critical tasks. In a typical project, many tasks have some slack and can therefore be delayed a bit without delaying other tasks or affecting the project finish date.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.