Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet: Personal Journey and Insights (2024)

Written By Muhammad Shahid

Understanding Health and Balance

Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet: Personal Journey and Insights (1)

The carnivore diet, an approach to nutrition that exclusively includes animal products, has been a subject of both intrigue and skepticism within health circles. One may choose to abandon the carnivore diet for various reasons, including shifts in health, personal insights into nutrition, or the evolving understanding of one's body. While the diet is revered by some for its simplicity and potential health benefits, including weight loss and reduced inflammation, others find the restrictive nature of the diet to be unsustainable in the long term.

Health practitioners and individuals alike have contributed to the dialogue about the carnivore diet's sustainability and nutritional adequacy. A diet devoid of plant-based foods could potentially lead to deficiencies in certain vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Moreover, some believe that a balanced diet incorporating a variety of food groups may be more advantageous for overall health. The stories of those who have departed from the carnivore lifestyle shed light on the complex relationship between diet and well-being.

Background on the Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet is centered around a philosophy of consuming only animal products, emphasizing a return to a more primal style of eating. In this section, we'll explore the fundamentals, its rise to popularity, and how it stacks up against other dietary frameworks.

What Is the Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet is an animal-based diet that includes primarily meat, eggs, and dairy products. It excludes all plant-based foods, positioning itself as an all-encompassing source of nutrition from animal-derived foods. Enthusiasts often prioritize beef due to its high nutrient density.

Popularity and Trends

Initially, the carnivore diet was regarded as a niche approach to eating; however, its popularity surged, partly as an extension of other low-carb diets, such as keto and paleo diets. It appeals to those seeking to simplify their food choices and for some, address specific health concerns.

Comparing Diets: Carnivore vs Others

  • Carnivore Diet

    • Food Sources: Animal products only: meat, eggs, dairy

    • Carb Intake: Virtually zero carbs

  • Keto Diet

    • Food Sources: High fat, moderate protein, very low carb

    • Carb Intake: < 50 grams/day

  • Paleo Diet

    • Food Sources: Whole foods: Meat, vegetables, limited fruits

    • Carb Intake: Low to moderate carbs

Unlike keto, which permits some plant-based foods and emphasizes high fat intake, or paleo, which allows a broader range of natural foods, the carnivore diet is devoid of carbohydrates and is exclusively animal-focused. Critics cite a lack of dietary fiber, while proponents claim numerous health benefits from the diet's simplicity and high protein content.

Personal Experience with the Diet

Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet: Personal Journey and Insights (2)

Through an individual journey on the carnivore diet, one might explore the alluring simplicity of meat-based nutrition, face the trials of adaptation, and reassess their health and nutritional balance.

Initial Attraction

The individual was drawn to the carnivore diet largely because of its purported benefits in weight loss and improved energy levels. Anecdotal evidence suggested a direct path to shedding extraneous pounds, and the simplicity of focusing on meat consumption seemed to promise a straightforward dietary regimen without the complex calorie counting.

Adaptation Period

During the initial stages, the adaptation period proved challenging. Digestive issues occurred as the body adjusted to the high-protein, no-carb diet, and fluctuations in mood and energy levels were common. It's typical for a transition period to involve a significant shift in gut microbiome, as the diet lacks the fiber necessary for a diverse gut flora. A gradual transition is recommended to mitigate these symptoms.

Understanding Nutritional Needs

As they progressed, the individual found that while certain aspects like weight loss were achievable, a meat-only diet posed questions about long-term health effects, variation in nutrient intake, and the importance of a balanced gut microbiome. They noted changes in sleep quality and continued to monitor their mood and energy levels, which eventually led to the decision to reintroduce a wider range of foods to address potential nutritional gaps.

In their experience, understanding the body's nutritional needs was crucial to maintaining a balanced diet that supports overall health, rather than following a restrictive dietary pattern unsuitable for their lifestyle.

Health and Nutrition Evaluation

Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet: Personal Journey and Insights (3)

This section examines the reasons for discontinuing the carnivore diet by assessing its impact on health and nutrition. The focus will be on the potential benefits and drawbacks, including nutritional imbalances and its effects on both physical and mental health.

Perceived Benefits of the Diet

The carnivore diet is highlighted by its adherents for its simplicity and the notion that it can provide all the essential nutrients from animal products. They report increased energy levels and a reduction in inflammation. Supporters often claim improvements in certain hormonal balances and a decrease in the body's stress responses. However, these benefits lack substantial scientific backing.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Despite its proponents' beliefs, the carnivore diet presents a risk of nutritional deficiencies. A lack of fiber, fruits, and vegetables can result in an inadequate intake of vitamin C and polyphenols, vital for a robust immune system. Furthermore, the exclusion of these food groups might lead to a deficit in fiber, which is essential for gut health.

Impact on Physical Health

He shifted away from the carnivore diet due to concerns about its long-term impact on physical health. Exclusively eating meat could lead to an increased intake of toxins, as environmental contaminants tend to bioaccumulate in animal fat. There's also a possibility of increased consumption of unhealthy cholesterol levels, which can affect heart health.

Carnivore Diet and Mental Health

Initially, some individuals report clarity and an absence of "brain fog." However, over time, the monotony of the diet and the potential lack of certain nutrients might have unforeseen consequences on mental well-being. There's a growing body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that incorporating a variety of foods including fruits and vegetables might be more beneficial for sustaining mental health.

Challenges and Limitations

Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet: Personal Journey and Insights (4)

Adapting to a carnivore diet can present a range of challenges and limitations that may not be apparent at the outset. These factors can impact both the sustainability of the diet and its practical application within various lifestyles.

Sustainability Issues

A diet focusing solely on animal products raises questions regarding environmental sustainability. Typically, raising livestock for animal-based foods requires substantially more resources, such as land and water, than crops for vegetables and fruits. It also contributes to higher greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Environmental Impact:

    • Land use: High

    • Water consumption: Elevated

    • Greenhouse gases: Above average

Social and Lifestyle Constraints

The social implications of a strict carnivore diet can be significant. They often necessitate a lifestyle change that may not align with customary social eating practices, potentially causing friction in social situations and making gastronomic participation difficult.

  • Social Adjustments:

    • Dining out: Limited options

    • Family meals: Potential conflicts

Accessibility and Diversity in Food Choices

Accessibility to a wide range of animal products is necessary to avoid nutritional deficiencies, but in practice, the selection can be limited, which reduces the variety and diversity in food choices.

  • Nutritional Considerations:

    • Protein: Sourced primarily from meat

    • Carbs: Generally excluded

    • Fiber: Lacking due to absence of vegetables and fruits

A carnivore diet excludes traditional sources of carbs such as grains, along with fruits and vegetables, which play crucial roles in digestive health, particularly for colon function and long-term prevention of chronic diseases.

  • Key Nutrients Often Missing:

    • Fiber: Essential for colon health

    • Vitamins and minerals: May require supplementation

Reasons for Transitioning Away

Individuals often reevaluate their dietary choices based on personal health concerns, questioning the diet’s long-term viability or seeking a more balanced approach to nutrition.

Personal Health Concerns

Heart Disease and Blood Pressure: Concerns about saturated fat content in a meat-centric diet have led some individuals to reconsider their adherence to the carnivore diet. The link between high intake of saturated fats and increased risk for heart disease and elevated blood pressure has been a motivating factor for many to transition away from an all-meat regimen.

Autoimmune Issues: Despite reports of positive effects on autoimmune conditions, some individuals have found that the carnivore diet did not offer relief from autoimmune diseases such as arthritis or asthma. They may choose to reintroduce a variety of foods to assess if a more diversified diet leads to better management of their autoimmune symptoms.

Diet's Long-term Viability

The carnivore diet's sustainability is questioned by dieticians due to potential nutrient deficiencies. A diet high in animal products may lack essential nutrients typically found in plants, such as fiber and certain vitamins. Without diverse sources of nutrition, long-term adherence may pose risks to overall health. Such potential deficiencies play a significant role in why some may abandon the carnivore diet.

Exploring a Balanced Approach

Individuals have reported a need to explore diets that support a broader range of nutritional benefits. They often cite the risk of excluding food groups that historically have comprised a balanced human diet. By transitioning to a diet inclusive of various food sources—like vegetables, fruits, and grains—people aim to achieve an equilibrated intake of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Integrating a variety of foods potentially lowers the risk of nutritional deficiencies and supports a holistic approach to health. Individuals with concerns about the carnivore diet's restrictions turn to more inclusive diets in pursuit of long-term, sustainable wellness.

Post-Carnivore Diet Reflections

Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet: Personal Journey and Insights (5)

This section delves into the author's experiences after discontinuing the carnivore diet, focusing on the benefits and adjustments made to achieve a balanced health approach, and setting future dietary objectives.

Learnings and Growth

  • Nutrition Knowledge: They found that a varied diet was more sustainable, incorporating a wide range of nutrients not found exclusively in animal products.

  • Listening to the Body: They learned the importance of interpreting signals from the body, such as energy levels and satiety, which guided them to make more informed dietary choices.

Adapting Diet for Holistic Health

  • Incorporating Variety: They reintroduced fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, aiming for a rich spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

  • Pacing Change: Understanding that sudden diet alterations can disrupt metabolism, they transitioned gradually, allowing the body to adapt without distress.

Future Dietary Goals

  • Balanced Nutrition Plan: They aim to maintain a diet that supports body composition goals while boosting overall health.

  • Continuous Progress Evaluation: They plan regular health assessments to monitor the impact of their diet on metabolism and body composition, ensuring ongoing progress.

Conclusion: Moving Forward

Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet: Personal Journey and Insights (6)

This section encapsulates the author's journey with the carnivore diet, reflecting on health implications and offering guidance based on personal experiences.

Summary of Experiences

The author found that while the carnivore diet initially provided a surge in energy and a reduction in weight, over time, they experienced a need for a more balanced approach to nutrition. Despite the initial benefits, such as weight loss and simplification of meal choices, the diet's restrictive nature led to challenges in maintaining hydration, satiety, and overall well-being.

Final Thoughts on Diet and Health

They observe that a diet emphasizing a high intake of proteins and fats, with minimal carbohydrates, may not be suitable for everyone. It's important to consider individual health goals and the body's reactions to such a significant dietary shift. The carnivore diet's elimination of carbohydrates goes against conventional dietary advice, which often includes a balance of macronutrients.

Advice for Others Considering Dietary Changes

They suggest a cautious approach:

  • Research: Thoroughly investigate any diet's potential health impacts.

  • Transition Gradually: Avoid drastic changes and allow the body to adapt.

  • Monitor Health: Keep track of changes in energy, weight, and overall wellness.

  • Consult Professionals: Seek advice from dietitians or doctors to ensure nutritional needs are met.

Ultimately, finding a diet that contributes to one’s overall health and aligns with individual needs should be the priority.

Muhammad Shahid

Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet: Personal Journey and Insights (2024)


Why did you quit the carnivore diet? ›

Not only does the carnivore diet lack science-backed benefits, butGreene says it could also pose a huge risk to your overall health if you choose to follow it. “Those following the carnivore diet are more at risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies due to the lack of variety in the diet,” Greene says.

Why are people against carnivore diet? ›

Animal products also contain high amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol. In addition to the potentially adverse health effects of the diet, Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition, noted that industrial production of animal-based foods is harmful to the planet.

What is the downfall of carnivore diet? ›

However, the diet is extremely restrictive and likely unhealthy in the long term. Plus, no research backs its purported benefits. The carnivore diet eliminates all foods except meat and animal products. Thus, it's lacking in numerous nutrients like fiber, loaded with salt and fat, and difficult to maintain.

What are the criticism of the carnivore diet? ›

“The carnivore diet can increase the risk of disease because it is an acidic diet that is high in sodium that lacks in key nutrients responsible for optimal health,” Rydyger says. “The diet can also be high in saturated fat and LDL cholesterol.

What did Joe Rogan say about the carnivore diet? ›

On his Instagram account, Rogan shared that after 30 days on carnivore “lots of aches and pains went away” and that he'd seen “improvements in my vitiligo.” He also describes how carnivore supported stable energy, weight loss, and improved mental health.

What are 3 disadvantages of the carnivore diet? ›

Risks of the Carnivore Diet
  • Heart Disease. ...
  • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies. ...
  • Digestive Health Issues. ...
  • Complications for People With Certain Conditions.
Apr 12, 2024

Is the carnivore diet bad for your heart? ›

Eating lots of meat can cause serious digestive issues, and eating lots of saturated fats, which are plentiful in the Carnivore diet, can elevate LDL cholesterol (the bad kind!) and increase risk of heart disease.

Who should not do the carnivore diet? ›

The carnivore diet can be risky, especially for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a history of heart disease. The lack of fiber can also cause constipation and poor gut health. Consult a healthcare provider, such as a registered dietitian, before starting a carnivore diet.

Is carnivore diet bad for gut health? ›

Potential for kidney damage: Excessive protein consumption over a long period could strain the kidneys, especially in those with pre-existing kidney conditions. Impact on gut health: The lack of dietary fiber may negatively affect the gut microbiome, potentially leading to constipation and other digestive issues.

What happens if you eat carbs on a carnivore diet? ›

Do the carnivore diet and carbohydrates mix well? Digestion problems can arise if you eat carbohydrates on the carnivore diet. This can result from a spike in blood sugar, which can cause heartburn, bloating, or nausea, affecting how food is digested.

What is a dirty carnivore? ›

A Dirty Carnivore diet is a loose term applied to any variation on the carnivore diet that allows for regular consumption of non-animal products. Leafy greens, fruit, fermented probiotic foods, and store-bought “keto-friendly” snacks are common additions to carnivore eating that render it “Dirty.”

Is carnivore diet fake? ›

Dietitians dismiss the carnivore diet as an extreme fad diet, which has attracted criticism from dietitians and physicians as being potentially dangerous to health (see Meat § Health). It also raises levels of LDL cholesterol, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

What does Jordan Peterson say about the carnivore diet? ›

Then he practiced a very low-carb “modified carnivore diet” consisting of only meat and greens for a year. Peterson told Joe Rogan, “I lost 50 pounds. My appetite has probably fallen by 70%. I don't get blood sugar dysregulation problems.

What did Jordan Peterson eat on carnivore diet? ›

Jordan Peterson's diet is a restricted version of the Carnivore diet that focuses on only meat, salt, and water to mimic the traditional eating methods of our meat-eating ancestors to promote weight loss and improve various health issues, especially reducing inflammation.

Why is the carnivore diet not working for me? ›

It could be as simple as time - you haven't been on the diet long enough. Or, maybe you're still in caloric surplus despite eating the right foods. It could even be that you're not drinking enough water, you're constipated from the new diet, you're stressed out - or some other unrelated cause.

What did Jordan Peterson eat on a carnivore diet? ›

Jordan Peterson's diet is a restricted version of the Carnivore diet that focuses on only meat, salt, and water to mimic the traditional eating methods of our meat-eating ancestors to promote weight loss and improve various health issues, especially reducing inflammation.

What happens if you don't eat fat on carnivore diet? ›

Meeting your fat carnivore diet macro goals will protect you from protein poisoning. If you eat too much protein and not enough fat you will get protein poisoning. This condition occurs when your liver can no longer upregulate urea synthesis needed to metabolize protein.

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