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Game » consists of 0 releases. Released Dec 09, 1994
- Game Boy
The fourth and final Game Boy Yu Yu Hakusho game.
Short summary describing this game.
- Botan Botan is a character from the anime and manga YuYu Hakusho. She is the happy and perky, and sometimes ditzy guide to the underworld.
- Hiei Hiei is a character from the anime and manga series YuYu Hakusho. He is a classic case of a villain turned good.
- Kazuma Kuwabara Kuwabara is Yusuke Urameshi's rival in the Yu Yu Hakusho anime and manga. He is always trying to usurp Yusuke's position as the toughest kid in junior high school.
- Keiko Yukimura The childhood friend, and later girlfriend, of Yusuke Urameshi.
- Koto Koto is one of the announcers of the Dark Tournament.
- Kurama Kurama is a character from the manga and anime series YuYu Hakusho. He is a fox demon.
- Mukuro Mukuro is a character from the manga/anime Yu Yu Hakusho. She was born into slavery and one day escaped and trained to become one of the stongest demons in demon world.
- Raizen A supremely powerful demon and the ancestor of Yusuke Urameshi.
- Yomi A blind demon who was a partner of the fox demon Yoko.
- Yukina An ice demon who is Hiei's sister.
- Yusuke Urameshi Yusuke Urameshi is the main protagonist in the anime and manga series YuYu Hakusho. He appears in all of the video games
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