Flapjack (2024)


Published by Amy


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Tried & tested, and truly perfected – the only easy Flapjack recipe you’ll ever need.

Flapjack (1)

In This Post

  • Amy's Notes
  • Granny's Top Tips
  • Flapjack Recipe

Us Scots love some oats. Of course there’s porridge, everyone’s favourite winter warmer, ideal to set you up on a dreich day. And oatcakes, which are a staple in my husbands daily diet. But when it comes to a sweet oat treat, there’s nothing quite like a piece of Flapjack.

The perfect Flapjack is something that can spark great debate.

Crunchy or chewy?

That is the question. And my answer? It’s got to be chewy. When I want a sweet filling treat, I want one that isn’t going to break my teeth and take the enjoyment entirely away for me.

For a real, authentic Flapjack – golden syrup is a must. There’s no denying it. You could try your hands at using honey or maple syrup as a substitute but it just won’t be the same. If our Golden Syrup Cake wasn’t enough for you to invest in a tin of the liquid gold, Flapjack should be!

I originally shared this Flapjack recipe back in 2017(!!) but in recent times it’s become a bit of a obsession-food for me so I have now truly perfected the art of making Flapjack, taking on board some of the comments and feedback this recipe had received over the years.

Give it a go and let me know your thoughts!

"Omg! I’ve tried lots of different recipes inc Jamie and BBC ( my go to recipe sites) and I have to say this is by far the best, thank you."

Flapjack (2)


How do you make Flapjack?

Flapjack is incredibly easy to make at home. You simply start by melting your butter, sugar and golden syrup, before adding your oats (& a little cinnamon). Mix it all together, making sure the oats are well coated.

You then pop the mixture into a lined tin and bake in your pre-heated oven for about 20-25 minutes.

Let your flapjack cool completely before removing it from the tin and then cut into individual portions of your desired size.

Is this flapjack chewy or crunchy?

This is a chewy flapjack recipe. If you prefer a crunchier flapjack, you can use caster sugar in place of brown sugar. Or simply bake your flapjack a little longer.

Is flapjack a healthy snack?

Whether flapjack is considered “healthy” is completely subjective. In terms of nuitrition, it will of course be better than a piece of Mars Bar Slice, due to oats being the bulk of the bake.

But flapjack does contain a lot of sugar, so it couldn’t be considered a health food in that sense. However the oats and sugar do lend themselves well to being a good source of carbohydrates – I personally love a slice of flapjack before I head out for a run.

You could add some nuts, seeds and/or dried fruits to your flapjack, if you feel it would make it a more “healthy” snack.

What is Golden Syrup?

Golden Syrup is a popular baking ingredient in the UK… But what is it? Where can you get it? And what can you use as a substitute?

My in-depth Golden Syrup Guide has all the answers to your questions!


Butter or Margarine
When you think of flapjack, you think of a sweet flavour and chewy, buttery texture; that of course comes from a generous amount of butter. Salted or unsalted butter is fine, or you can use a block margarine, should you prefer. In terms if taste, there’s not a huge difference between what you choose use, as the sweetness and cinnamon and the main flavours at play.
If using a margarine just be sure to use a block margarine, as opposed to the spreadable kind – the latter has too high a water content to work well in Flapjack.

Golden Syrup
There really is no compromise when it comes to golden syrup in flapjack. This sweet nectar can’t be replaced as there’s really nothing else quite like it. If you can’t get your hands on Golden Syrup, take a look at my Golden Syrup Guide for possible substitutions to try.

Soft Light Brown Sugar
As if the golden syrup wasn’t sweetness enough, we need a (un)healthy dose of sugar for good measure too! Soft light brown sugar is preferable as it compliments the golden syrup and gives a lovely chewy finish to your Flapjack. But caster sugar can be used if it is all you have, just be preapred for a sweeter taste and crunchier texture.

Porridge Oats
What makes a flapjack a flapjack! I usually just dip into my big bag of porridge oats but it’s worth experimenting with different oats to find your favourite texture. I personally find that the cheap supermarket own-brand oats to be my favourite for flapjack – the slightly powdery finish seems to lend itself well to binding the ingredients together.

Technically an optional ingredient but one I wouldn’t personally skip. It adds just a little extra depth to this super simple flapjack recipe.

Flapjack (3)

Granny's Top Tips

• When I first shared this recipe I recommended using tin foil to line the tin… I 110% take that back now! Having experimented with both tin foil and greaseproof paper many, many times, I can confirm that greaseproof paper is far easier to work with. Just be sure to grease your tin first (so the greaseproof paper sticks to it). And be careful to make sure your entire tin is lined, with no gaps – if your flapjack seeps through the greaseproof paper it will stick to the tin!

• Another change I’ve made to the recipe is the quantity of butter. I’ve reduced this to 250g, which works well for UK quantities, as most butters are sold in this amount. This also produces the perfect chew in a flapjack, without being too greasy.

• You can experiment with which oats work best for you, but my personal favourite is the supermarket own-brand budget porridge oats. The slightly more powdery texture works well for binding your flapjack together.

• Your flapjack will not look completely baked when you remove it from the oven. Due to the nature of the ingredients, they will still be quite melt-y, but don’t worry – it will set as it cools down. As long as the edges have started to darken and look slightly crisp, it’s ready to come out the oven.

• The edges of your flapjack will rise slightly as it bakes. Once it’s been out the oven for a few minutes, use a cold spoon to gently press the edges back down, whilst the flapjack is still warm.

• Make sure your flapjack is completely cool before you try and remove it from the tin. If it’s still warm, it will stick to the greaseproof paper.

• As this is a chewy flapjack recipe, the middle of the flapjack can be a little sticky when you cut it. If it is sticking to the greaseproof paper, simply pry it up with a knife or spatula.

"This is the best recipe ever.… Although I’m a keen baker I always seem to end up with hard flapjacks, even though I have tried soooo many different recipes, the end result was always the same - until I found this recipe. They are gorgeous and everybody loved them..."

Flapjack (5)


Flapjack (6)


Delicious chewy flapjack that is easy to make and perfect for snacking.

4.96 from 63 votes


Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes minutes

Servings: 12



  • Pre-heat your oven to 180°c (160°c for a fan-assisted oven or Gas Mark 4). Grease a 11x7 inches tray bake tin with some excess butter/margarine, before lining with greaseproof paper. Set aside.

  • In a large pan, warm the butter, golden syrup and sugar - stirring regularly - until melted together. This can also be done in the microwave, just use a microwave-proof dish and remove to stir frequently.

  • In a large bowl, lightly mix the oats and cinnamon. Add the oats to the melted mixture and stir together until all the oats are coated.

  • Transfer the mixture to your prepared tin and smooth the mixture into the corners.

  • Bake in your pre-heated oven for about 22-25 minutes, until the edges are lightly golden and the middle still has a "slight wobble". It may look like it has not completely baked, but don't worry! It will set as it cool downs.

    The edges will have risen a little, so press back down with a cold spoon, if desired.

  • Leave to cool completely in the tin, before lifting out in the greaseproof paper. Gently peel back the edges and cut into your desired sizes. The flapjack can sometimes be a little chewy in the middle and need a little persuasion to lift without breaking - a small spatula can be used for this purpose.


  • For full explanations on each ingredient and possible substitutions, see the Ingredients section above.
  • For more tips for success in making the perfect flapjack, see the Granny's Top Tips section above.
  • For hacks and advice on making free-from and vegan flapjack, see the section below.
  • Store your flapjack in an air-tight container, lined with additional greaseproof paper. Flapjack slices will keep for up to 1 week this way, or you can freeze it for up to 3 months.

Tried this recipe?Tag @bakingwithgranny or use the hashtag #bakingwithgranny!

Free-from & Vegan

Gluten-free: Gluten-free Flapjack is easy to achieve, as the ingredients don’t usually contain gluten. Most oats are naturally gluten-free but it’s always worth double checking, or opting for ones from a free-from range to be sure.

Nut-free: No nuts are used in this flapjack recipe, but be sure to check the individual ingredients before serving to those with allergies.

Egg-free: No eggs are used in this flapjack recipe, but be sure to check the individual ingredients before serving to those with allergies.

Dairy-free: To make this a dairy-free flapjack recipe, simply use a dairy-free block margarine in place of butter.

Vegan: To make this a vegan Flapjack recipe, simply use a dairy-free block margarine in place of butter.

Flapjack (7)

Original recipe posted 11/09/2017.
Updated and improved in March 2024.
Comments and reviews prior to March 2024 may reference steps & ingredient quanities from original recipe.

128 Responses

  1. Flapjack (8)
    A good chewy middle with crisp edges is my absolute flapjack fave, I don’t think there are many better sweet treats. This recipe looks blinkin lovely. I will have to bake some soon!


    1. Thanks for commenting, Jenny. I’m a sucker for a crispy edge too! Can’t say I’m disappointed by the kids choosing the middle slices and leaving the edges for me :)


  2. Flapjack (9)
    These flapjacks look fabulous, a brilliant after school treat.


    1. Most definitely, Julie! I actually found myself making another tray this afternoon – at my 5 year old’s instructions(!) just so there was more for when he got home from school :)


      1. Can’t comment on the recipe as it’s still in the oven! But for mixtures like this with loads of syrup etc I always use baking parchment rather than foil – it just does not stick. Don’t confuse with greaseproof paper which doesn’t work.


      2. That’s your fault not the recipie’s.
        Use baking paper.


        1. I have tried various recipes for flap Jack and this by far the best. I always use baking parchment and it never sticks to any tray bake


        2. I have tried various recipes for flap Jack and this by far the best. I always use baking parchment and it never sticks to any tray bake


        3. I have tried various recipes for flap Jack and this by far the best. I always use baking parchment and it never sticks to any tray bake


        4. It says in the recipe to use tin foil….


      3. Flapjack (10)
        I wish I’d read the comments first or at least gone with instinct and not used foil. I have a lovely flapjack crumble. Flavour and texture are good but what a mess trying to get the foil off!


        1. Pop tin in oven for 10/15 mins (or place tin over the hob) then turn it upside down to peel off paper. Tin foil will be more difficult.


      4. Flapjack (11)
        I used foil and it turned out perfect, maybe use more butter on the foil to stop the flapjack sticking ,good luck.


    2. Love this recipe. Though I do actually reduce the amount of Golden Syrup and brown sugar to about 110 gms and 120 gms golden syrup tastes great and less sugar in the


    3. At least now you have granola


    4. Me too, although I could slice it up and squidge the mess together to make something that look like squares, but they won’t hold together for long. That was after turning them out and draining off so much butter that just didn’t get absorbed by the oats, even after baking for 40 minutes.
      Might work as a sprinkle on greek yoghurt and blueberries…


  3. Definitely going to make these as my daughter has a wheat problem, can I add coconut or fruit to the mixture?


  4. Do I need to cover overnight?


  5. Flapjack (12)
    I grew up knowing this as “Bird Seed Pie” at primary school. For over 40 years I have asked people if they knew how to make it, but no-one had ever heard of “Bird Seed Pie”… until last week when an school friend said “Oh, you mean flapjack?”
    All is right with the world again :)


  6. Flapjack (13)
    It’s lovely but it’s would say don’t use tin foil. I used it and greased but still stuck a lot. Baking parchment a recommendation. But nice flapjacks


    1. Same!! Completely stuck to the foil, tasted good though


  7. Does it work with greaseproof paper?


    1. Yes x


  8. Totally agree with the tin foil, it sticks and parchment isn’t much better. If you can get to ikea they sell silicone liners which are amazing, I think mine was about £1.80 and I use it for everything, perfect for flapjack! X


  9. Flapjack (14)
    This is by far the best flapjack recipe ive found thankyou for sharing it xx


  10. Flapjack (15)
    Omg! I’ve tried lots of different recipes inc Jamie and BBC ( my go to recipe sites) and I have to say this is by far the best thank you


  11. Ps. Having read previous comments I used parchment paper. Perfect


  12. Flapjack (16)
    No need for the stress and aggression, Jay. Foil worked absolutely fine for me. I coated it with 1 cal spray. The best flapjack recipe I’ve had so far! Thanks, Baking with Granny x


    1. Well I guess it depents on how well you greased the foil
      maybe if you grease with 1 cal spray instead of butter or use parchment paper?


  13. Oh dear, I just greased a non stick baking tray. Hope it comes out of the tin ok


  14. Any comments on freezing and how long they will last for?


    1. I thought fridge makes it very good,when it has at last become cold.Even it must be covered seriously after that,s kept in fridge,but freezer is not a special thing and is wrong!


  15. I’ve tried these twice and so far they have never stuck together in the middle, they’ve just crumbled. The edges were fine though but what am I doing wrong? I followed the recipe…


    1. You could possibly try making the later thinner so the middle cooks quicker too? It worked for me


  16. Flapjack (17)
    Just made these flapjacks, and i have to say, i love them!! I’ll be keeping this recipe, thank you!!


  17. Flapjack (18)
    This recipe is delicious! It is perhaps sacrilegious to say that my family are not huge flapjack fans — too hard, too soft, too sweet… However, with the huge number of bake sales that I seem to be saddled with lately I decided I needed an easy(ish) popular (with most) bake to take along, so needed to add flapjacks to my repertoire. My husband & daughter were jostling each other out of the way to get to the pan to get the last bits out.

    I did not use foil — used parchment paper, and it worked perfect, no butter needed. I did not have light brown sugar on hand, so used a combination of dark brown & golden caster, both of which I did have on hand, about 50/50. I also doubled the recipe (not a problem with this recipe) and spread 1/2 of mixture out in pan, sprinkled over some (not a lot) chocolate chips, then spread the remainder of the mixture over that. Once it was all cooked and cooled a bit I melted some chocolate and drizzled over the top (not a lot). Was trying to achieve the same effect of the fancy flapjacks that I have bought now & then at M&S. These are better.

    So, thanks for the delicious recipe, and I’m glad that I was very particular about which recipe I eventually decided to try. I looked at ingredients and reviews, and landed on yours — so glad that I did, as this recipe is a keeper.


    1. Hi, did you double the length of time in rhe oven then if you doubled the mixture?


  18. Flapjack (19)
    i am currently trying to follow mary berry way from her cookbook guide. the first batch turned out well actually, except from they stuck but i didn’t have any baking paper so i just buttered the tin they were in, it wasn’t;t that bad, got 4 out of 9 and the others were still edible just crumbly and broken up. i am baking for a charity so i want them to be nicely presented. doing my second batch today with baking paper as i got some last night! fingers crossed. they are in the oven at the moment…


    1. The Mary Berry recipe is very sticky and falls apart even when chilled. This one is much better for holding together!


  19. Flapjack (20)
    Today is the third time I’ve used this recipe and they are in the oven as I write. They smell lovely! I add a bit more syrup as we like them chewy. Tried non-stick greaseproof paper instead of tin foil as both lots done before stuck!


  20. Can it be softened as mine is too hard ? Lol


    1. Hi Barbara.
      If you reduce your baking time a little you will get a chewier Flapjack. Don’t be afraid to take it out when it doesn’t look quite done and is a little wobbly in the middle – it will continue to set whilst it cools.


  21. Can you confirm if you put the flapjacks in the middle of oven or the top?!



  22. Flapjack (21)
    Parchment paper is DEFINATELY better than foil! Tried and tested both ways.

    Sticks to foil but not to parchment paper.


  23. Hi wondering can you put fresh or dried fruit in the mixture?


    1. I sometimes chop up some dried cranberries or apricots and mix through…..


    2. Hi Sharon. Go for it! My favourite additions are dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds and sultanas. The kids love chocolate chips!


  24. Flapjack (22)
    I make these almost every week with my son. He takes them to school for a mid morning snack and I use them for fuel on long bike rides.

    We love them!

    We don’t use foil and to be honest we keep pouring the oats in until we think the consistency is right. 9 times out of 10 they’re perfect, 1 time out of 10 I have to scoff them all myself


  25. Must have done something wrong mine were way to soggy. Just fell apart as I tried to get out of the tin. Tasted good though


    1. Hi Lynne. Sounds like they needed a little longer in the oven or the temperature to be a bit higher? Alternatively make sure they’ve completely cooled before removing from the tin.


  26. Flapjack (23)
    Good basic recipe for flapjacks. I added chopped dried apricots, sultanas and grated orange zest to the mix.
    Used baking parchment to line tin but didn’t grease this, just added the mixture and popped into the oven.
    Ovens do have differences in temperature my new gas oven needs to be turned up a little compared to my old appliance,
    this could be why some reviews are reporting underbaked.


  27. Flapjack (24)
    I think I would use less butter next time, the top of the flapjack is good but the bottom still has liquid butter in it! Also, do not use a spring form tin, it’s the only thing I had but the butter leaked out of the bottom.

    Overall, great recipe but I will tweak it next time.


  28. Do you know what the Canadian equal of porridge oats are? We have steel cut, large flake , quick cooking, rolled… etc. Google isn’t being helpful.

    Can this be made with steel cut oats?


    1. Hi Robin. Oats are oats, to be honest! Any would be fine but I’d recommend experimenting to find your preference. Steel cut oats would be a great place to start however.


    2. Well rolled oats or quick cooking oats are really the ones you’re looking for, but if you don’t have any, go for whatever you have :3


    3. If your flakes are too big just pulse them in food processor to make them smaller .


  29. Hi can someone please confirm so we cook these in the middle of the oven or the top?


    1. Hi Gemma. Rule of thumb is that if not stated otherwise, our recipes will be baked in the middle of the oven. :)


  30. I only have a Pyrex dish, not a tin. Will this work as well?


    1. Hi Hazel. A Pyrex dish should work fine but you may need to experiment with your baking times.


  31. Flapjack (25)
    Added chopped dates and sultanas to the mix, family said they were the best flapjacks ever. High praise indeed. Thank you for the delicious recipe.


  32. Flapjack (26)
    I have just made my second batch, absolutely delicious; the first time I got some dark soft sugar by mistake, but it was a good mistake !! I have used it again this time. Thank you for a great recipe; can you make flapjack with Maple Syrup ?


    1. Yes, but I don’t think it will be as sticky as golden syrup. You could substitute some of the sugar for it I reckon


  33. Flapjack (27)
    Is salted or unsalted butter used for this?


    1. I would say either depending on your own taste, try baking one of each and make a comparison


    2. Hi Zara.
      I tend to use whatever I have to hand. Salted or unsalted won’t make a different to the overall baking but may produce a (very subtle!!) taste difference.


  34. Flapjack (28)
    I think I love this recipe. I’ve never had UK flapjacks before and my cousin suggested them so I’ve made a batch. It’s in the oven and is super liquid still. I must have made a mess. If they don’t work out I’ll comment again, but for now I’m hopeful.


    1. Hi Jannie. Do let me know how you get on! During baking the ingredients first melt and it’s more during the setting process that they will firm again, so don’t be panicked if it appears to be liquid-like whilst baking.


  35. Flapjack (29)
    Hi loved the recipe. But I used ordinary greaseproof paper, didn’t grease it and the flapjack came out perfectly. Only problem I had was with the cooking time, mine took 15 mins longer x


  36. Flapjack (30)
    I just baked these with my seventy year old mum as she is now living with us and we found them extremely crumbly yet still delicious and moreish this is a thumbs up recipe for me


  37. Flapjack (31)
    A five star rating for mmmmeeeeeeee


  38. Hi mine are in the oven and it’s been 22 min – they rose at the edges but still super liquidy! I’m gonna leave them in for a bit longer but edges are going very dark – yikes! Is there a level of thickness you recommend?


  39. Tastes amazing but soooo much butter! It was swimming in it! I waited about 2 hours hoping it would dry up but it didn’t. Otherwise tasty and chewy as the recipe states
    Note from Amy – recipe updated in 2024 to use less butter.


    1. So I had a go at this recipe as I really wanted a chewy texture, baked for 20 minutes took out the oven still has a runny consistency however I will leave it to cool down and hopefully it’s what I want


  40. Would like to try this recipe, however could I use granola instead of oats. Thank you


  41. Flapjack (32)
    I have tried various recipes for flap Jack and this by far the best. I always use baking parchment and it never sticks to any tray bake


  42. Flapjack (33)
    Absolutely delicious. But, I will tweak the butter, or add more oats next time, I like chewy but mine came out very gooey & with lots of butter at the bottom of the tin. So tasty though, I’ll definitely make again :)


  43. Flapjack (34)
    I have used various flapjack recipes previously. Made these yesterday, using hard stork margarine, as my son is dairy intolerant. The family stated they were the best flapjacks I have made by along way (several slices have disappeared over night). I used a silicon tin an there was no issues with sticking. Will definitely make again.


  44. As with all recipes, you have to play around with measurements to find what works for you.

    I’d reduce the butter to 200/250g and i never use anything to line my tin. Other than a bit of butter if its an old baking tray.


  45. Americans:
    If you want to convert this recipe use:
    1/3 cup butter
    1/2 cup syrup
    4 cups oats – I used 2 cup quick oats and 2 cups old fashioned oats for a nice combo
    Do not use all old fashioned oats however—too coarse.

    Use parchment paper and under bake (maybe 18 mins total)

    350 degrees


  46. I love old fashioned food…Flap jacks I adore very much…will be making these soon..Thanks Querino


  47. Flapjack (35)
    I made these and added frozen cherries and used oil instead of butter(needed dairy free).I also used foil to line my tray which i do when baking and run out of parchment.(I had no trouble with them sticking,)My sister in law and son who i purposely bake non dairy absolutely love them.They were crunchy on the outer edges and softer and chewy on the inside.


  48. Flapjack (36)
    This is a very easy recipe and the best flapjacks I have ever made. I make them at least every other week and they are always a favourite. Very useful as they are gluten free when you use the oats packed in a separate environment and I put lots of different ingredients eg chopped dates or nuts and seeds just to vary them a little. Never had a failure yet. Thank you for sharing this recipe.


  49. I have tried them today and keep increasing the baking time as they still look like slop. Such a shame as there are loads of positive reviews, I’m wondering if I’ve done something wrong.


  50. Flapjack (37)
    Some recipes for flapjacks can be a bit hit and miss, just made these for the second time and added chopped apricots, sultanas and some chocolate chips, come out really well from the tin when lined with baking parchment. My husband sometimes likes to add one to a bowl and pours hot milk over making a quick filling breakfast.


  51. Have you tried golden syrup and black treacle 50/50 it gives it a richer taste I think.


  52. Followed the recipe, though used a reusable baking sheet rather than the foil in the recipe after reading the comments but my flapjack didn’t stick together, left it to cool completely but on cutting it just crumbled. Tasted nice but very disappointing as it looks a mess and hard to eat.


  53. Flapjack (38)
    So glad I found this. Didn’t quite have enough butter so lessened the ingredients to match but they were fab. Even had my fussy kids scoffing them down!


  54. Flapjack (39)
    These flapjacks are amazing! the top came out really crunchy but the middle is still really soft.


  55. Flapjack (40)
    Hi love your recipes! If i was to add maltesers or a different chocolate bar! How would i go about putting it inside the flapjacks!


  56. Flapjack (41)
    The best flapjack recipe ever! I have used many in my time with the kids and this is by far the best. Delicious!


  57. Flapjack (42)
    They make superb granola or muesli if they don’t don’t stick together and just delicious with Greek yoghurt and fruit mmm.


  58. Flapjack (43)
    Turned out perfect, bit put off by some of the comments but thought I’d try it anyhow. I did use 25g. less butter and lined my tin with greaseproof paper. When cooked I left it in the tin to go completely cold before cutting into squares. Will definitely be making this again. Thank you.


  59. Flapjack (44)
    I’ve been searching for the perfect flapjack recipe for over a decade. I have tried all the pros- from Mary Berry to Jamie Oliver and none of them came up with anything close to this recipe! It is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for. They are crisp on the top and soft and chewy in the middle- perfection! I have also made them with honey instead of syrup and dairy free margarine instead of butter and they turned out wonderfully each time. I have also done the vegan version, but using yacon syrup instead and they were also delicious. I also added seeds and dried fruit – again, wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing this. My search is finally over!!!


  60. Too much sugar and butter, and not enough oats for me. Not sure about the touch of cinnamon.


  61. Just trying these for a dofe hike snack tomorrow. Having read comments mine were a bit liquid but I added a few extra oats to soak some of it up. Haven’t got an 11×7 either, so ours might come out a bit thicker, so I’m guessing might need a longer cooking time?
    Smelled good and live the addition of the cinnamon.


  62. Way too much butter (I had to use kitchen paper to mop up the oozing excess when it came out of the oven) and far too sweet. Cinnamon is a nice touch.


  63. Flapjack (45)
    I cooked these and added some dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, raisins it was a mixed pack that I buy and my grandchildren loved them as much as we did.
    Will be making on a regular basis.


  64. Flapjack (46)
    The most delicious flapjacks!. I cooked for a little longer than stated as the mixture seemed a little runny, but after another 5/10 minutes they came out perfect and just how I love them, slightly crispy around the edge and gooey in the middle. I will be saving this recipe and making again for sure :)


  65. Flapjack (47)
    I’ve tried a few Flapjack recipes but this is by far the best. Absolutely delicious, you can have it as chewy or crunchy as you prefer. Add fruit nuts even chocolate chips to mix it up.

    Definitely don’t use foil though, i always use parchment and it never sticks

    Gorgeous recipe, thank you


  66. Flapjack (48)
    Great recipe ! But the tin foil bit did confuse me when I read it… I tried it anyway and yep completely stuck, maybe I didn’t put enough butter but I think personally that baking paper would do just fine. So of course I will need to try this lovely recipe again with the baking paper to make sure!

    I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel like sometimes homemade flapjacks are so sweet, what would you recommend for cutting down a bit of sugar? Would the recipe still work?

    Thanks !


  67. What amount of each ingredients do you use for a 8×8 inch tin?


  68. Flapjack (49)
    This is the best flapjack recipe I have come across success every time and very tasty. Sometimes I make them crispy by leaving them in the oven an extra 7 minutes and other times just as in the recipe. I use greaseproof paper to line the tin.


  69. Flapjack (50)
    Lush flapjacks. Husband gave them a 9 out of 10. I only had dark brown sugar so used 2 3rds dark brown 1 3rd caster sugar. Really lovely soft and chewy.


  70. Lovely mixture, but DO NOT USE FOIL, it sticks


  71. Flapjack (51)
    Lovely and syrupy


  72. Flapjack (52)
    I found flapjack when I got to UK and discovered many amazing delicious treats that only UK has. Today I have made my first FLAPJACK and I picked this side as “grannies” always know best. I used only half ingredients (in the case of messing it up) basic baking paper instead of tin foil, also cake tray (a bit round) . It smells amazing, looks fantastic and taste delicious. I am not going to look anywhere else and this recipe is for to keep. Thank you for sharing it for us flapjack amateurs


  73. Flapjack (53)
    Really yummy recipe! Thanks


  74. Flapjack (54)
    Fab recipe! Flapjacks turned out delicious :)


  75. Flapjack (55)
    Best every recipe & method


  76. Flapjack (56)
    Dont bother with any other, its not robust enough in comparison. 200-230g oats is a snack, but 400g will be breakfast for three days, just make the golden syrup 200g and you have tea dunk heaven


  77. Flapjack (57)
    I don’t bake. I am 50 years old and had never made flapjack…until this afternoon, when I had a random and bizarre urge to make some.

    This recipe was the first one in my google results that said light soft brown sugar (which we have) rather than muscovado sugar (which we don’t have). Decision made. And I bloody love that it specifies how to get chewy rather than crunchy flapjack. Had a bit of a wobble when it seemed that the damn thing was NEVER going to solidify in any meaningful fashion, but kept the faith and all was well.

    I have now eaten about a week’s worth of sugar in one sitting but I don’t care. It’s bloody lovely flapjack!

    PS And my buttery foil peeled away from the flapjack without any issues!


  78. Flapjack (58)
    Flapjacks have failed for years so when I tasted these that a friend had made asked for the recipe. Made them loads, always perfect and have added additional things to add interest. Used baking parchment. Easy and no chance of sticking.


  79. Flapjack (59)
    This is the best recipe I’ve come across. It’s chewy and crispy at the same time and so easy to make. I recommend using silicone liner, it never sticks and you can reuse them which is better for the environment.


  80. Flapjack (60)
    My go to flapjack recipe – always delicious. Have done them with fruit/nuts added, and topped with chocolate – very versatile. The only thing to add is don’t use foil, it will sticks always baking parchment instead. Aside from that – yum!


  81. Flapjack (61)
    These flapjacks are the best! First time making flapjacks myself and I’m glad I chose this recipe. I added raisins and pumpkin seeds and they are delicious. Thanks for the recipe tip stating that the edges will look done but will have a slight wobble in the middle. I would have continued to bake longer than the 20 minutes based on appearance. They were perfect once they cooled. I did not use foil, used butter and parchment paper without a problem. Will definitely be making again and adding various nuts, dried berries, or even chocolate bits.


  82. Flapjack (62)
    this is the best recipe ever…although I’m a keen Baker i always seem to end up with hard flapjacks even though i have tried soooo many different recipes the end result was always the same until I found this recipe..They are gorgeous and everybody loved them..


  83. Flapjack (63)
    A great recipe that I have used many times. It is easy to make a variety of flapjack by adding things such as ginger, sultanas or cherries.


  84. Flapjack (64)
    This is the best flapjacks recipe I have used I didn’t use foil used parchment paper perfect I added sultanas. I’m going to make more this weekend fabulous . My husband give them 10 out of 10.


  85. Flapjack (65)
    This is a great recipe and the only one you will ever need. The flapjacks came out perfectly.

    I added a few chopped apricots, cranberries and pumpkin seeds but you could add anything you like or nothing at all.

    Thanks for sharing.


  86. Flapjack (66)
    Delicious. I baked for 26 mins, probably should have done a little longer as the middle was cumbly when cutting later. Still tastes great though!


  87. Flapjack (67)
    hi how would you make these chocolate flapjacks just add cocoa powder? thank you


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.